Structural, optoelectronic and thermoelectric properties of Cs-based fluoroperovskites CsMF3 (M= Ge, Sn or Pb)
The structural and optoelectronic properties of Cs-based fluoroperovskites CsMF 3 (M= Ge,
Sn or Pb) were studied using the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew-burke …
Sn or Pb) were studied using the generalized gradient approximation of Perdew-burke …
Spin-gapless semiconductors for future spintronics and electronics
In recent years, spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs) with parabolic and linear band
dispersions have aroused great interest worldwide in the field of materials science due to …
dispersions have aroused great interest worldwide in the field of materials science due to …
High-throughput screening for spin-gapless semiconductors in quaternary Heusler compounds
Based on high-throughput density functional theory calculations, we performed a systematic
screening for spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs) in quaternary Heusler alloys XX′ YZ (X …
screening for spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs) in quaternary Heusler alloys XX′ YZ (X …
New quaternary half-metallic ferromagnets with large Curie temperatures
New magnetic materials with high Curie temperatures for spintronic applications are
perpetually sought for. In this paper, we present an ab initio study of the structural, electronic …
perpetually sought for. In this paper, we present an ab initio study of the structural, electronic …
Recent advances in the Heusler based spin-gapless semiconductors
In recent years, spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs) have received considerable interest in
the fields of condensed matter physics and materials sciences due to their potential …
the fields of condensed matter physics and materials sciences due to their potential …
First principles study of magneto-electronic and thermoelectric properties of quaternary CoZrMnSb for spintronics and waste heat recovery energy applications
In this study CoZrMnSb, a quaternary Heusler alloy has been explored utilizing the density
functional theory based simulation package WIEN2k. The structural analysis exhibits an X1 …
functional theory based simulation package WIEN2k. The structural analysis exhibits an X1 …
Robust thermoelectric performance and high spin polarisation in CoMnTiAl and FeMnTiAl compounds
New quaternary Heusler materials, CoMnTiAl and FeMnTiAl, have been investigated. These
alloys are found to be stable in a ferromagnetic phase in Y1 type structure; the stability is …
alloys are found to be stable in a ferromagnetic phase in Y1 type structure; the stability is …
Investigation of the physical properties of the equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy CoYCrZ (Z= Si and Ge): a DFT study
In this manuscript, we investigate the physical properties such as the magnetic and the
electronic properties of the Co-based equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy CoYCrZ (Z= Si …
electronic properties of the Co-based equiatomic quaternary Heusler alloy CoYCrZ (Z= Si …
Recent advances in Dirac spin-gapless semiconductors
Spin-gapless semiconductors (SGSs), the new generation of spintronic materials, have
received increasing attention recently owing to their various attractive properties such as …
received increasing attention recently owing to their various attractive properties such as …
Rare earth-based quaternary Heusler compounds MCoVZ (M= Lu, Y; Z= Si, Ge) with tunable band characteristics for potential spintronic applications
Magnetic Heusler compounds (MHCs) have recently attracted great attention since these
types of material provide novel functionalities in spintronic and magneto-electronic devices …
types of material provide novel functionalities in spintronic and magneto-electronic devices …