Chemical composition, nutrient quality and acceptability of edible insects are affected by species, developmental stage, gender, diet, and processing method
Edible insects have been considered as either nutritious food itemsper se, or as wholesome
ingredients to various dishes and components of traditional subsistence. Protein, fat, mineral …
ingredients to various dishes and components of traditional subsistence. Protein, fat, mineral …
Use of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae meal in aquafeeds for a sustainable aquaculture industry: A review of past and future needs
Aquaculture industry is one of the world's fastest and largest growing food producing sector.
Most importantly, the usage of fish meal in aquaculture has been replaced with alternate …
Most importantly, the usage of fish meal in aquaculture has been replaced with alternate …
Traditional consumption of and rearing edible insects in Africa, Asia and Europe
The traditional consumption of edible insects is common in one third of the world's
population, mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. There are over one thousand identified …
population, mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. There are over one thousand identified …
Contextualising complementary feeding in a broader framework for stunting prevention
An estimated 165 million children are stunted due to the combined effects of poor nutrition,
repeated infection and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. The complementary feeding …
repeated infection and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. The complementary feeding …
[HTML][HTML] Fats and major fatty acids present in edible insects utilised as food and livestock feed
Common food sources including meat, fish and vegetables are the main source of fats and
fatty acids required by human body. Edible insects such as worms, locusts, termites, crickets …
fatty acids required by human body. Edible insects such as worms, locusts, termites, crickets …
Unlocking the biological potential of proteins from edible insects through enzymatic hydrolysis: A review
This review, focusing on studies published between 2005 and 2017, analysed the literature
on the generation of bioactive peptides (BAPs) from edible insect proteins following …
on the generation of bioactive peptides (BAPs) from edible insect proteins following …
The ecosystem services provided by social insects: traits, management tools and knowledge gaps
Social insects, ie ants, bees, wasps and termites, are key components of ecological
communities, and are important ecosystem services (ESs) providers. Here, we review the …
communities, and are important ecosystem services (ESs) providers. Here, we review the …
[HTML][HTML] Insects as valuable sources of protein and peptides: Production, functional properties, and challenges
As the global population approaches 10 billion by 2050, the critical need to ensure food
security becomes increasingly pronounced. In response to the urgent problems posed by …
security becomes increasingly pronounced. In response to the urgent problems posed by …
[HTML][HTML] Nutritional composition of edible insects consumed in Africa: A systematic review
Edible insects are an important protein rich natural resource that can contribute to resilient
food security. Edible insects not only play an important role in traditional diets, but are also …
food security. Edible insects not only play an important role in traditional diets, but are also …
Entomophagy: Nutritional, ecological, safety and legislation aspects
Globally, there is a need to seek alternative sources of protein in addition to meat. This has
led to considerable interest in edible insects. Such insects form part of cultures and diets in …
led to considerable interest in edible insects. Such insects form part of cultures and diets in …