Recent advances in additive manufacturing of active mechanical metamaterials
Active mechanical metamaterials are emerging materials receiving tremendous attention in
the past decades. Additive manufacturing (AM, or 3D printing) techniques empower the …
the past decades. Additive manufacturing (AM, or 3D printing) techniques empower the …
Multi-beam interference advances and applications: nano-electronics, photonic crystals, metamaterials, subwavelength structures, optical trap**, and biomedical …
GM Burrow, TK Gaylord - Micromachines, 2011 - mdpi.com
Research in recent years has greatly advanced the understanding and capabilities of multi-
beam interference (MBI). With this technology it is now possible to generate a wide range of …
beam interference (MBI). With this technology it is now possible to generate a wide range of …
One-step volumetric additive manufacturing of complex polymer structures
Two limitations of additive manufacturing methods that arise from layer-based fabrication are
slow speed and geometric constraints (which include poor surface quality). Both limitations …
slow speed and geometric constraints (which include poor surface quality). Both limitations …
3D printing of optical materials by processes based on photopolymerization: materials, technologies, and recent advances
E Geisler, M Lecompère, O Soppera - Photonics Research, 2022 - opg.optica.org
3D printing technologies have expanded beyond the research laboratories where they were
used solely for prototy** and have become widely used in several industries. The …
used solely for prototy** and have become widely used in several industries. The …
Development of a fabrication process<? TeX\break?> for production of diffractive optics
T Chen, W Zhou, Y Cai, Y Shu, A Zolfaghari, AY Yi - Applied Optics, 2023 - opg.optica.org
In this study, a novel fabrication process, to the best of our knowledge, was developed to
fabricate a glass harmonic diffractive lens. In this process, a polymethylmethacrylate master …
fabricate a glass harmonic diffractive lens. In this process, a polymethylmethacrylate master …
Volumetric additive manufacturing of polymer structures by holographically projected light fields
M Shusteff - 2017 - dspace.mit.edu
As additive manufacturing technologies proliferate and mature, overcoming some of their
process limitations becomes increasingly important for the continued expansion of practical …
process limitations becomes increasingly important for the continued expansion of practical …
Pattern-integrated interference lithography: single-exposure fabrication of photonic-crystal structures.
GM Burrow, MC Leibovici, TK Gaylord - Applied optics, 2012 - europepmc.org
Multibeam interference represents an approach for producing one-, two-, and three-
dimensional periodic optical-intensity distributions with submicrometer features and …
dimensional periodic optical-intensity distributions with submicrometer features and …
A review on layerless 3D printing: challenges and applications
Purpose This paper aims to provide a full introduction, new classification, comparison and
investigation of the challenges as well as applications of layerless 3D printing, which is one …
investigation of the challenges as well as applications of layerless 3D printing, which is one …
Nanoimprinting lithography of a two-layer phase mask for three-dimensional photonicstructure holographic fabrications via single exposure
We report a combined holographic and nanoimprinting lithography technique to produce
three-dimensional woodpile photonic crystal templates through only one single exposure …
three-dimensional woodpile photonic crystal templates through only one single exposure …
Energy and cost efficient manufacturing of uniform periodic nanostructures enabled by an adaptable beam flattening device
YK Yang, YX Wu, TH Lin, CC Fu - Journal of Micromechanics and …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
High-precision fabrication of nanoscale periodic structures is utilized in a wide range of
applications, including wire grid polarizers, photonic crystals, and light-emitting diodes …
applications, including wire grid polarizers, photonic crystals, and light-emitting diodes …