Molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquids and electrolytes using polarizable force fields
Many applications in chemistry, biology, and energy storage/conversion research rely on
molecular simulations to provide fundamental insight into structural and transport properties …
molecular simulations to provide fundamental insight into structural and transport properties …
A review on machine learning algorithms for the ionic liquid chemical space
There are thousands of papers published every year investigating the properties and
possible applications of ionic liquids. Industrial use of these exceptional fluids requires …
possible applications of ionic liquids. Industrial use of these exceptional fluids requires …
Real-time mass spectrometric characterization of the solid–electrolyte interphase of a lithium-ion battery
The solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI) dictates the performance of most batteries, but the
understanding of its chemistry and structure is limited by the lack of in situ experimental …
understanding of its chemistry and structure is limited by the lack of in situ experimental …
Revisiting OPLS force field parameters for ionic liquid simulations
Our OPLS-2009IL force field parameters (J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2009, 5, 1038–1050)
were originally developed and tested on 68 unique ionic liquids featuring the 1-alkyl-3 …
were originally developed and tested on 68 unique ionic liquids featuring the 1-alkyl-3 …
Targeted modifications in ionic liquids–from understanding to design
Ionic liquids are extremely versatile and continue to find new applications in academia as
well as industry. This versatility is rooted in the manifold of possible ion types, ion …
well as industry. This versatility is rooted in the manifold of possible ion types, ion …
Experimental and computational studies of choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents
SL Perkins, P Painter, CM Colina - Journal of Chemical & …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Choline-chloride based deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been used for several different
applications (eg, solubility, electrochemistry, and purifications) due to their relative …
applications (eg, solubility, electrochemistry, and purifications) due to their relative …
Accounting for electronic polarization in non-polarizable force fields
The issues of electronic polarizability in molecular dynamics simulations are discussed. We
argue that the charges of ionized groups in proteins, and charges of ions in conventional …
argue that the charges of ionized groups in proteins, and charges of ions in conventional …
CL&P: A generic and systematic force field for ionic liquids modeling
In this account, we review the process that led to the development of one of the most widely
used force fields in the area of ionic liquids modeling, analyze its subsequent expansions …
used force fields in the area of ionic liquids modeling, analyze its subsequent expansions …
Simulating supercapacitors: can we model electrodes as constant charge surfaces?
Supercapacitors based on an ionic liquid electrolyte and graphite or nanoporous carbon
electrodes are simulated using molecular dynamics. We compare a simplified electrode …
electrodes are simulated using molecular dynamics. We compare a simplified electrode …
Comparing reduced partial charge models with polarizable simulations of ionic liquids
C Schröder - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012 - pubs.rsc.org
Molecular ionic liquids are typically characterized by strong electrostatic interactions
resulting in a charge ordering and retardation of their translational and rotational behaviour …
resulting in a charge ordering and retardation of their translational and rotational behaviour …