Archean sodic metagranitoids from the Southern São Francisco Craton: Review, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications
Gray gneiss complexes comprise most of the Archean crust in the Southern São Francisco
Craton and its surroundings, and their metagranitoid components can be distinguished …
Craton and its surroundings, and their metagranitoid components can be distinguished …
Subduction and continental collision in the Neoproterozoic: Sanukitoid-like magmatism and paired metamorphism in SE Brazil
Collisional orogens are a periodic manifestation of plate tectonics on Earth. They form by the
amalgamation of continental blocks, and they take place along both active and passive …
amalgamation of continental blocks, and they take place along both active and passive …
[HTML][HTML] The generation and evolution of the Archean continental crust: The granitoid story in southeastern Brazil
Abstract The Archean Eon was a time of geodynamic changes. Direct evidence of these
transitions come from igneous/metaigneous rocks, which dominate cratonic segments …
transitions come from igneous/metaigneous rocks, which dominate cratonic segments …
Provenance of passive-margin and syn-collisional units: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Southern Brasília Orogen, West Gondwana
Collisional orogens are one of the most conspicuous features of plate tectonics on Earth.
They record the dynamics of continent-continent amalgamation, often confined to linear …
They record the dynamics of continent-continent amalgamation, often confined to linear …
Paleoarchean to Neoproterozoic crust formation and migmatization events in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil: Implications for the growth and reworking of the …
FJS Fachetti, RA Fuck, RS Marimon, A Ferreira… - Gondwana …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Patos Shear System (PSS) is a 20–40 km wide domain of anastomosing shear
zones intercalated with non-mylonitic segments at the core of the Borborema Province, a …
zones intercalated with non-mylonitic segments at the core of the Borborema Province, a …
Recently identified Mesoproterozoic strata in south‐central Idaho document late‐stage rifting of the Nuna supercontinent in western Laurentia
Sedimentary basins are valuable archives of tectonic processes involved in continental
rifting. The northern Rocky Mountains preserve the Belt Supergroup, one of the most …
rifting. The northern Rocky Mountains preserve the Belt Supergroup, one of the most …
[HTML][HTML] Archean–Ediacaran evolution of the Campos Gerais Domain—A reworked margin of the São Francisco paleocontinent (SE Brazil): Constraints from …
Abstract The Campos Gerais Domain (CGD) in southeastern Brazil is an approximately 180
km× 35 km area of Archean–Proterozoic rocks located southwest of the São Francisco …
km× 35 km area of Archean–Proterozoic rocks located southwest of the São Francisco …
Challenges of dating metasedimentary successions in collisional orogens: A case study of a Neoproterozoic passive margin in West Gondwana
Metasediments in collisional orogens critically record tectonic conditions during sediment
formation and the thermal evolution during orogenesis. However, Precambrian …
formation and the thermal evolution during orogenesis. However, Precambrian …
Previously Unrecognized Mesoproterozoic Strata in South-Central Idaho Document Late-Stage Rifting of the Nuna Supercontinent in Western Laurentia
J Lever - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Abstract The North American Intermountain West preserves the Belt Supergroup, one of the
best records of Mesoproterozoic strata on Earth; however, debate remains about first-order …
best records of Mesoproterozoic strata on Earth; however, debate remains about first-order …
Petrocronologia de granulitos e migmatito de temperatura ultra-alta da nappe Guaxupé nas regiões de Caconde e São José do Rio Pardo (SE, Brasil)
OSAG Silva - 2022 - repositorio.unesp.br
Granulitos e migmatitos são rochas metamórficas de alto grau, formadas em contextos
geológicos diversos, como zonas de convergência de placas tectônicas, rifts continentais …
geológicos diversos, como zonas de convergência de placas tectônicas, rifts continentais …