[ספר][B] Constructing a language: A usage-based theory of language acquisition
M Tomasello - 2005 - books.google.com
In this groundbreaking book, Michael Tomasello presents a comprehensive usage-based
theory of language acquisition. Drawing together a vast body of empirical research in …
theory of language acquisition. Drawing together a vast body of empirical research in …
Second language acquisition and universal grammar
L White - Studies in second language acquisition, 1990 - cambridge.org
In this article, the motivation for Universal Grammar (UG), as assumed in the principles and
parameters framework of generative grammar (Chomsky, 1981a, 1981b), is discussed …
parameters framework of generative grammar (Chomsky, 1981a, 1981b), is discussed …
Toward tense as a clinical marker of specific language impairment in English-speaking children
ML Rice, K Wexler - Journal of speech, language, and hearing …, 1996 - pubs.asha.org
A critical clinical issue is the identification of a clinical marker, a linguistic form or principle
that can be shown to be characteristic of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) …
that can be shown to be characteristic of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) …
Very early parameter setting and the unique checking constraint: A new explanation of the optional infinitive stage
K Wexler - Lingua, 1998 - Elsevier
This paper argues that the traditional view of experience-dependent properties (learned
properties) of language as develo** late and non-experience-dependent properties as …
properties) of language as develo** late and non-experience-dependent properties as …
Tense over time: The longitudinal course of tense acquisition in children with specific language impairment
ML Rice, K Wexler, S Hershberger - Journal of Speech, Language …, 1998 - pubs.asha.org
Tense marking in English is relatively late appearing and is especially late for children with
Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Little is known about the full course of acquisition for …
Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Little is known about the full course of acquisition for …
Universal bilingualism
T Roeper - Bilingualism: language and cognition, 1999 - cambridge.org
Lexically linked domains in language allow a speaker to formulate incompatible rules. How
should they be represented theoretically? We argue that a speaker has a set of mini …
should they be represented theoretically? We argue that a speaker has a set of mini …
[PDF][PDF] INFL in child and adult language: Agreement, case and licensing
CT Schütze - 1997 - dspace.mit.edu
ABSTRACT I propose an analysis of the inflectional system of clauses that captures both
crosslinguistic variation and differences between adult speakers and young children …
crosslinguistic variation and differences between adult speakers and young children …
Why is 'is' easier than '-s'?: acquisition of tense/agreement morphology by child second language learners of English
T Ionin, K Wexler - Second language research, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
This study of first-language (L1) Russian children acquiring English as a second language
(L2) investigates the reasons behind omission of verbal inflection in L2 acquisition and …
(L2) investigates the reasons behind omission of verbal inflection in L2 acquisition and …
Formal features in impaired grammars: A comparison of English and German SLI children
H Clahsen, S Bartke, S Göllner - Journal of Neurolinguistics, 1997 - Elsevier
One important problem in the recent theoretical debate on Specific Language Impairment
(SLI) is that most of the SLI accounts have not yet been tested crosslinguistically. As a step …
(SLI) is that most of the SLI accounts have not yet been tested crosslinguistically. As a step …
[ספר][B] Development of the syntax-discourse interface
S Avrutin - 2013 - books.google.com
In this book, I address several issues of child linguistic development from the perspective of
the syntax-discourse interface. Traditionally, language acquisition research has focused on …
the syntax-discourse interface. Traditionally, language acquisition research has focused on …