Education for Sustainable Development: Bagaimana Urgensi Dan Peluang Penerapannya Pada Kurikulum Merdeka?
N Vioreza, W Hilyati, M Lasminingsih - PUSAKA: Journal of …, 2023 -
Abstract Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) merupakan pendekatan penting
dalam menghadapi tantangan global dalam mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dalam …
dalam menghadapi tantangan global dalam mencapai pembangunan berkelanjutan. Dalam …
The development of integrated science instructional materials to improve students’ digital literacy in scientific approach
Integrated science and integration of literacy skills are relevant issues to be investigated in
science education. This research aimed at determining the validity of integrated science …
science education. This research aimed at determining the validity of integrated science …
Consideration of Parents in Choosing Islamic Schools in the Digital Era
M Rokhman, F Usman, F Usman… - Nazhruna: Jurnal …, 2023 -
In the digital era, formal education is not only about learning at school but also about
learning and education outside of school. This condition has more or less directly affected …
learning and education outside of school. This condition has more or less directly affected …
Effects of worksheets base the levels of inquiry in improving critical and creative thinking.
The purpose of this study is (1) examining the effectiveness of worksheets based the three
levels of inquiry in improving the critical and creative thinking skills of biology education …
levels of inquiry in improving the critical and creative thinking skills of biology education …
Effects of Worksheets on Problem-Solving Skills: Meta-Analytic Studies.
SA Widodo, A Wijayanti, M Irfan, W Pusporini… - International Journal of …, 2023 - ERIC
The purpose of this study was to compile and statistically analyze the results of research
studies that examined students' problem-solving skills in worksheets. The research method …
studies that examined students' problem-solving skills in worksheets. The research method …
Development of student worksheets based on science process skills on excretory system concepts
MF Mumtaza, Z Zulfiani - Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023 -
This research aims to produce a student worksheet based on Science Process Skills (SPS)
on the concept of the excretory system and to see the responses of teachers and students to …
on the concept of the excretory system and to see the responses of teachers and students to …
[PDF][PDF] Environmental attitude for smart city technology: Need assessment to develop smart trash in environmental education
H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, V Oktaviani… - … Journal of Advanced …, 2020 -
The environmental attitude of students in environmental education has an important role in a
smart city. The problem that arises is the absence of a profile students' attitude in waste …
smart city. The problem that arises is the absence of a profile students' attitude in waste …
The development of project based learning module for vocational high schools to improve critical thingking skills
B Baidowi, A Arjudin, D Novitasari… - JTAM (Jurnal Teori …, 2023 -
Critical thinking is one of the skills needed by vocational high school students in the world of
work and has a positive impact on students' fieldwork practices. Therefore the aim of this …
work and has a positive impact on students' fieldwork practices. Therefore the aim of this …
Protist literacy: A novel concept of protist learning in higher education
H Hardianto, S Mahanal, H Susanto… - Eurasia Journal of …, 2024 -
Protist education in universities primarily focuses on acquiring knowledge about species
classification within the protist. Protist literacy emerged as a theoretical framework exploring …
classification within the protist. Protist literacy emerged as a theoretical framework exploring …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of environmental education open inquiry learning kits on the environmental literacy of pre-service biology teachers
R Rasis, H Kuswanto, RD Hartanti - Journal of Teacher Education …, 2023 -
Pre-service biology teachersí environmental literacy is still generally low. It is necessary to
improve their environmental literacy through the innovation of open inquiry learning kits …
improve their environmental literacy through the innovation of open inquiry learning kits …