The Impact of Multimedia in Course Design on Students' Performance and Online Learning Experience: A Pilot Study of an Introductory Educational Computing …

T Davis, TV Frederick - Online Learning, 2020 - ERIC
The creation of multimedia assets for online courses is a time-intensive endeavor. Faculty
have limited access to instructional designers for this and other course design functions …

YouTube vs. Lehrmittel–Lernwirksamkeit von Erklärvideos für den Naturwissenschaftsunterricht

S Vonschallen, M Labude, C Schneider… - Zeitschrift für Didaktik …, 2024 - Springer
Erklärvideos gewinnen für den Naturwissenschaftsunterricht zunehmend an Bedeutung. Um
den potenziellen Lernzuwachs beim Einsatz von Erklärvideos im Vergleich zu …

Creating and testing explainer videos for earth observation

H Hodam, A Rienow, C Juergens - Remote Sensing, 2021 -
Learning videos can be concise learning packages that offer a wide range of possibilities
when it comes to present topics in an up-to-date way and disseminating them in a variety of …

Erklärvideos-im naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Unterricht eine Alternative zu Texten?

B Reinke, M Eisenmann… - Journal of …, 2021 -
Abstract Im Schulunterricht werden Erklärvideos bisher selten genutzt, sondern traditionell
eher Informationstexte. Unklar ist, ob ein Unterschied in der Lernwirksamkeit der beiden …

Vocational School Students' Use and Opinions of Voluntary-Based Online Learning Solutions Presented in a Mathematics Course.

S Suominen, K Ikonen, R Leinonen, A Viholainen… - European Journal of …, 2024 - ERIC
This article focuses on the use made by Finnish vocational upper secondary students,
including their opinions, with regard to the voluntary-based aspects and activities of a …

[PDF][PDF] Development of a compulsory mathematics online course capable of accommodating the individual needs of students in Finnish vocational upper secondary …

S Suominen - 2024 -
In Finland there are numerous vocational upper secondary qualifications in a wide range of
vocational fields. Studies leading to the vocational upper secondary qualification can be …

Teaching the Creation of Batik Motifs to Foreign Students through Distance Learning.

W Wibawanto, A Cahyono, TR Rohendi - International Journal of Higher …, 2021 - ERIC
Implementing short courses on the complex process of batik creation for foreign students,
which have to be conducted online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, presents a challenge …

El videoproblema a l'ensenyament de la tecnologia a secundària

R Morales Salvador - 2024 -
Aquest treball consisteix en avaluar l'impacte que té l'adaptació dels enunciats dels
problemes, fins ara emprats a la matèria de Robòtica de tercer d'ESO a un institut de …

Implementation of flexible and open course material for computer programming courses

S Speiser, M Baur, J Sedlmair - Proceedings of DELFI 2024, 2024 -
We report on our practical experiences of teaching computer programming across several
study courses in multiple disciplines. We focus on creating learning material in a way that …

[КНИГА][B] A Framework for the Implementation of Mobile-based Learning in Namibia

G Kaisara - 2023 -
Abstract advances in mobile technologies have offered the potential to provide pervasive
access to knowledge for more of the world's citizenry. In the context of higher education, the …