Bird species composition, density and feeding guilds in contrasting lowland dipterocarp forests of Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia

NJ Shafie, H Anuar, G David, A Ahmad, MT Abdullah - Tropical Ecology, 2023 - Springer
A study was conducted to determine the species composition, density and feeding guild of
birds at Tasik Kenyir and Setiu, Terengganu between June and September 2017 using line …

Response of bird community toward tourism activities in the karst area of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park

IA Putri, F Ansari, A Susilo - … of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Countless birds live in environments that have been modified, to some degree, by human
activities. This study aims to determine the response of bird community to tourism activities in …

Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the species assemblages of birds in the back mangrove forests

FS Mohd-Taib, W Mohd-Saleh, R Asyikha… - Wetlands Ecology and …, 2020 - Springer
Around the world, mangrove ecosystem has faced major threats from human activities, and
birds were unexceptionally impacted. Mangrove fringe a large extent of the east and west …

Quantifying tropical wetlands using field surveys, spatial statistics and remote sensing

A Salari, M Zakaria, CC Nielsen, MS Boyce - Wetlands, 2014 - Springer
Tropical wetlands support high biodiversity and ecological services, but in most areas they
suffer from a paucity of baseline data to support management. We demonstrate how modern …

Avifauna diversity and conservation challenges in Lake Arekit, Southern Ethiopia

B Tilahun, A Hailu, K Abie, T Kidane… - Israel Journal of Ecology …, 2022 -
This study was conducted to explore bird species diversity and conservation challenges in
Lake Arekit located in the Guraghe Zone of Ethiopia. Point counts along the shoreline of the …

Waterbird species distribution between natural and manmade wetland in Himalayan foothills of Uttarakhand, India

V SAINI, K JOSHI, D BHATT, A SINGH… - Biodiversitas Journal of …, 2017 -
Saini V, Joshi K, Bhatt D, Singh A, Joshi R. 2017. Short Communication: Waterbird species
distribution between natural and manmade wetland in Himalayan foothills of Uttarakhand …

Assessment of avifaunal diversity and threats to them in Phewa wetland, Nepal

ND Khatri, B Neupane, YP Timilsina… - Forestry: Journal of …, 2019 -
We assessed species diversity and relative abundance during February-March by
employing transect method in four line transects and 30 point count stations, and associated …

Mid-winter diversity of waterbirds in West Bengal, India

A Mukherjee, S Pal, P Das… - Journal of the Bombay …, 2021 -
Waterbirds are excellent indicators of wetland health, and studies on their abundance and
diversity are of use in conservation management of wetland habitats. Thirteen wetlands in …

Living on the edge: Multi-scale analyses of bird habitat use in coastal marshes of Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA

BA Patton, JA Nyman, MK Lapeyre - Wetlands, 2020 - Springer
Coastal marsh loss, combined with expected sea-level rise, will cause inundation and
extensive shifts to vegetation and salinity regimes that may affect bird species dependent on …

Avifauna diversity and anthropogenic threats of wetlands in South‐Western Ethiopia

A Alemkere Bezabih, F Bakala Gabayo… - African Journal of …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This study was conducted to investigate avifauna diversity and anthropogenic threats to
wetlands in Sheka and Bench‐Maji Zones. A total of 5 wetlands, 4 swamps and 1 artificial …