Quality of project management education and training programmes

CN Bodea, M Dascalu, M Coman - International Journal of …, 2010 - igi-global.com
This paper examines the factors that influence the quality of training and education on
project management. The authors present the results of two questionnaire-based surveys …

El uso de la realidad virtual para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria: Una Revisión Sistemática

A Martín Garcés - 2019 - ddd.uab.cat
Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) se caracterizan por miedo intenso a ganar
peso y conductas de control del mismo, empeoran la calidad de vida y sus complicaciones …

[PDF][PDF] Humanities scholarship in the digital age: The role and influence of information and communication technologies

O Rieger - 2010 - ecommons.cornell.edu
Based on a qualitative case study at the Society for the Humanities (Cornell University), this
project investigates how information and communication technologies (ICTs) support …

Do open source LMSs support personalization? A comparative evaluation

T Kerkiri, AM Paleologou - Best Practices for the Knowledge Society …, 2009 - Springer
A number of parameters that support the LMSs capabilities towards content personalization
are presented and substantiated. These parameters constitute critical criteria for an …

Aplicaciones de las nuevas tecnologías en la reducción del estigma hacia el tmg en contextos educativos

N Navarro Gómez - 2023 - repositorio.ual.es
El estigma hacia los trastornos mentales no es un fenómeno novedoso, aunque sí
refractario a la intervención y con devastadoras consecuencias tanto para quienes lo sufren …

Project management competences development using an ontology-based e-learning platform

CN Bodea - World Summit on Knowledge Society, 2009 - Springer
The paper presents a web based learning environment in project management, capable of
building and conducting a complete and personalized training cycle from the definition of the …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of “kubbu” on the academic achievement and motivation of 4th grade special needs students

C Semaan, E Kiwan - … JOurnal of Innovation and Research in …, 2017 - researchgate.net
The purpose of our study is to prove the effect of using a web 2.0 technology tool, Kubbu, on
the learning process and performance for the students with special needs. These students …

[PDF][PDF] Mediador Pedagógico Para la Formación Docente en Metodología PBL: Caso de

CHM Serrano - repositorio.udes.edu.co
The pedagogic mediator, designed for this thesis is a virtual tool which main objective is to
train the teachers on Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology, providing easy access …

Let's see how efficient open source LMSs can be and why

T Kerkiri - International Journal of Technology Enhanced …, 2009 - inderscienceonline.com
Attempt is made here to examine qualities of the most widely used open source LMSs
against a number of criteria constituting the state of art in personalisation and adaptation of …

Enhancing student learning journeys with semantically annotated content

Z Dawod - 2017 - bura.brunel.ac.uk
There is an increasing interest in develo** existing Special Educational Needs (SEN)
teaching methods due to recent concerns regarding the number of SEN pupils in schools …