Research challenges in accessible MOOCs: a systematic literature review 2008–2016

S Sanchez-Gordon, S Luján-Mora - Universal Access in the Information …, 2018 - Springer
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have a prominent role in achieving universal e-
education, ie, education offered via the Internet to diverse learners around the world …

How could MOOCs become accessible? The case of edX and the future of inclusive online learning

S Sanchez-Gordon, S Luján-Mora - 2016 -
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have great potential to provide learning
opportunities for people around the world. However, to reach their full potential, MOOCs …

Disability and the COVID-19 pandemic: Using Twitter to understand accessibility during rapid societal transition

C Gleason, S Valencia, L Kirabo, J Wu, A Guo… - Proceedings of the …, 2020 -
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced institutions to rapidly alter their behavior, which
typically has disproportionate negative effects on people with disabilities as accessibility is …

Digital equity and accessible MOOCs: Accessibility evaluations of mobile MOOCs for learners with visual impairments

K Park, HJ So, H Cha - Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2019 -
Despite the popular claim that massive open online courses (MOOCs) can democratise
educational opportunities, this study suggests that current MOOC platforms are not designed …

Designing accessible MOOCs to expand educational opportunities for persons with cognitive impairments

PA Cinquin, P Guitton, H Sauzéon - Behaviour & Information …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Despite the promotion of equal access to education, the proportion of persons with
disabilities decreases drastically from primary school to higher education, resulting in a …

Bibliometric analysis of global scientific literature on the accessibility of an integrated E-Learning model for students with disabilities

AH Obidat - Contemporary Educational Technology, 2022 -
The main objective of this study is to present a bibliometric analysis of research on e-
learning accessibility at the global level. The bibliometric literature was comprised of 1,325 …

Accessibility evaluation of MOOCS'Websites of Turkey

Y Akgül - Journal of Life Economics, 2018 -
Massive Open Online Courses are emerged by the use of develo** technologies for
distance learning. With the aid of these systems, millions of people have an opportunity to …

Производство МООК в университете: цели, достижения, барьеры

УС Захарова - Университетское управление: практика и анализ, 2019 -
Данная концептуальная статья направлена на определение целей администраторов
вузов, запускающих проекты по производству массовых открытых онлайн-курсов …

Raising awareness of the accessibility challenges in mathematics MOOCs

A Ramírez-Vega, F Iniesto, C Rodrigo - Proceedings of the 5th …, 2017 -
MOOCs provide learning environments that make it easier for learners to study from
anywhere, at their own pace and with open access to content. This has revolutionised the …

[KNIHA][B] An investigation into the accessibility of massive open online courses (MOOCs)

F Iniesto - 2020 -
Abstract Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an evolution of open online learning
that enables people to study online and for little or no cost. MOOCs can provide learners …