Understanding preferences:“demand types”, and the existence of equilibrium with indivisibilities

E Baldwin, P Klemperer - Econometrica, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
An Equivalence Theorem between geometric structures and utility functions allows new
methods for understanding preferences. Our classification of valuations into “Demand …

[PDF][PDF] Approximate combinatorial auctions with budgets

T Nguyen, A Teytelboym - Unpublished Manuscript, University of …, 2024‏ - ics.purdue.edu
We develop sealed-bid combinatorial auction formats for indivisible goods in which bidders
can express budget constraints. To do so, we analyze the extent to which the designer must …

Solving strong-substitutes product-mix auctions

E Baldwin, PW Goldberg… - Mathematics of …, 2024‏ - pubsonline.informs.org
This paper develops algorithms to solve strong-substitutes product-mix auctions: it finds
competitive equilibrium prices and quantities for agents who use this auction's bidding …

The Economics of Equilibrium with Indivisible Goods

R Jagadeesan, A Teytelboym - arxiv preprint arxiv:2412.07946, 2024‏ - arxiv.org
This paper develops a theory of competitive equilibrium with indivisible goods based entirely
on economic conditions on demand. The key idea is to analyze complementarity and …

[PDF][PDF] Proof that the strong substitutes product-mix auction bidding language can represent any strong substitutes preferences

E Baldwin, P Klemperer - 2021‏ - elizabeth-baldwin.me.uk
Proof that the Strong Substitutes Product-Mix Auction Bidding Language can represent any
Strong Substitutes preferences Page 1 Proof that the Strong Substitutes Product-Mix Auction …

[PDF][PDF] Are Digital Monopolies Exploitative?

S Finster, P Goldberg, E Lock - 2024‏ - simonfinster.github.io
In markets with multiple divisible goods and budget-constrained buyers, competitive
equilibrium may not be efficient. We study the notion of constrained efficiency that, in the …

[PDF][PDF] Competitive and Revenue-Optimal Pricing with Budgets

S Finster, P Goldberg, E Lock - 2024‏ - edwinlock.com
In markets with budget-constrained buyers, competitive equilibria need not be efficient in the
utilitarian sense, or maximise the seller's revenue. We consider a setting with multiple …

Market Design for Matching and Auctions

R Jagadeesan - 2020‏ - dash.harvard.edu
Models of matching with contracts can elegantly capture the discreteness and heterogeneity
of interactions that arise in many real-world markets. However, the indivisibility of contracts …