Control and state estimation of the one-phase Stefan problem via backstep** design

S Koga, M Diagne, M Krstic - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2018‏ -
This paper develops a control and estimation design for the one-phase Stefan problem. The
Stefan problem represents a liquid-solid phase transition as time evolution of a temperature …

Output feedback boundary control of a heat PDE sandwiched between two ODEs

J Wang, M Krstic - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019‏ -
We present designs for exponential stabilization of an ordinary differential equation (ODE)-
heat partial differential equation (PDE)-ODE coupled system where the control actuation …

Single-boundary control of the two-phase Stefan system

S Koga, M Krstic - Systems & Control Letters, 2020‏ - Elsevier
This paper presents the control design of the two-phase Stefan problem. The two-phase
Stefan problem is a representative model of liquid–solid phase transition by describing the …

Adaptive stabilization for ODE–PDE–ODE cascade systems with parameter uncertainty

C Ji, Z Zhang, XJ ** for a coupled parabolic-elliptic system
A Alalabi, K Morris - ar**
K Morris - 2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and …, 2023‏ -
Stabilization of a parabolic partial differential equation coupled with an elliptic partial
differential equation is considered. Even in the situation when these equations are …

Control of piston position in inviscid gas by bilateral boundary actuation

M Buisson-Fenet, S Koga… - 2018 IEEE Conference on …, 2018‏ -
We design backstep** control to stabilize a piston moving freely in a cylinder filled with
inviscid gas, under the actuation of gas injected at both extremities. The piston problem has …

Distributed temperature control in laser-based manufacturing

C Zheng, JT Wen, M Diagne - Journal of …, 2020‏ -
Temperature control is essential for regulating material properties in laser-based
manufacturing. Motion and power of the scanning laser affect local temperature evolution …