[ספר][B] Drop** Out from School: A Cross Country Review of the Literature. Create Pathways to Access. Research Monograph, No. 16.

F Hunt - 2008‏ - ERIC
This paper provides an in-depth review and analysis of literature on drop** out from
school, and focuses on children who have gained access, but fail to complete a basic …

Menstrual cups and sanitary pads to reduce school attrition, and sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections: a cluster randomised controlled feasibility study …

PA Phillips-Howard, E Nyothach, FO Ter Kuile… - BMJ open, 2016‏ - bmjopen.bmj.com
Objectives Conduct a feasibility study on the effect of menstrual hygiene on schoolgirls'
school and health (reproductive/sexual) outcomes. Design 3-arm single-site open cluster …

Measurement of social norms affecting modern contraceptive use: A literature review

E Costenbader, R Lenzi, RB Hershow… - Studies in family …, 2017‏ - Wiley Online Library
As a critical building block to develo** social norms interventions to support healthy family
planning and other reproductive health behaviors, we conducted a literature review to …

Marriage and childbirth as factors in drop** out from school: an analysis of DHS data from sub-Saharan Africa

CB Lloyd, BS Mensch - Population studies, 2008‏ - Taylor & Francis
Leaving school prematurely is often claimed to be among the most negative consequences
of early marriage and pregnancy for girls in less developed countries. However, an analysis …

Progress through school and the determinants of school dropout in South Africa

N Branson, C Hofmeyr, D Lam - Development Southern Africa, 2014‏ - Taylor & Francis
The release of the National Income Dynamics Study Wave 2 provides the first nationally
representative longitudinal data collected in South Africa, making it possible to study …

South African teachers' responses to teenage pregnancy and teenage mothers in schools

D Bhana, R Morrell, T Shefer… - Culture, health & …, 2010‏ - Taylor & Francis
South African law forbids excluding pregnant teenagers from school and permits young
parents to continue with their schooling. However, the existence of progressive policy and …

Sexual behavior, pregnancy, and schooling among young people in urban South Africa

L Marteleto, D Lam, V Ranchhod - Studies in family planning, 2008‏ - Wiley Online Library
This study examines transitions in schooling, sexual activity, and pregnancy among
adolescents and young adults in urban South Africa. Data are analyzed from the Cape Area …

Adolescent schoolgirls' experiences of menstrual cups and pads in rural western Kenya: a qualitative study

L Mason, KF Laserson, K Oruko, E Nyothach… - Waterlines, 2015‏ - JSTOR
Poor menstrual hygiene management (MHM) among schoolgirls in low-income countries
affects girls' dignity, self-esteem, and schooling. Hygienic, effective, and sustainable …

Menstrual needs and associations with sexual and reproductive risks in rural Kenyan females: a cross-sectional behavioral survey linked with HIV prevalence

PA Phillips-Howard, G Otieno, B Burmen… - Journal of Women's …, 2015‏ - liebertpub.com
Background: Females in low and middle income countries (LMICs) have difficulty co**
with menstrual needs, but few studies have examined the social or health implications of …

Teen mothers and schooling: Lacunae and challenges

A Chigona, R Chetty - South African journal of education, 2008‏ - journals.co.za
While many girls who become mothers before completing schooling consider academic
qualifications to be very important, they may not be able to succeed academically if the …