A systematic review of guiding principles for sustainable urban neighborhood development
The proportion of urban population is increasing globally. Climate change, biodiversity loss,
and environmental pollution are leading to the urgent need to increase sustainable …
and environmental pollution are leading to the urgent need to increase sustainable …
Implementing participatory water management: recent advances in theory, practice, and evaluation
Many current water planning and management problems are riddled with high levels of
complexity, uncertainty, and conflict, so-called “messes” or “wicked problems.” The …
complexity, uncertainty, and conflict, so-called “messes” or “wicked problems.” The …
[BOK][B] Community-based adaptation to climate change: Scaling it up
EL Schipper, J Ayers, H Reid, S Huq, A Rahman - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
As climate change adaptation rises up the international policy agenda, matched by
increasing funds and frameworks for action, there are mounting questions over how to …
increasing funds and frameworks for action, there are mounting questions over how to …
[HTML][HTML] The enabling environment for participation in water and sanitation: A conceptual framework
Participatory approaches are an important component of institutional frameworks for the
governance of water resources and services. Studies on public participation in water …
governance of water resources and services. Studies on public participation in water …
[BOK][B] Integrated water resources management: concept, research and implementation
RB Ibisch, JJ Bogardi, D Borchardt - 2016 - Springer
This chapter reviews the concept, contemporary research efforts and the implementation of
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) which has evolved as the guiding water …
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) which has evolved as the guiding water …
A methodological framework to support the initiation, design and institutionalization of participatory modeling processes in water resources management
Multiple barriers constrain the widespread application of participatory methods in water
management, including the more technical focus of most water agencies, additional cost and …
management, including the more technical focus of most water agencies, additional cost and …
Understanding and applying principles of social cognition and decision making in adaptive environmental governance
Environmental governance systems are under greater pressure to adapt and to cope with
increased social and ecological uncertainty from stressors like climate change. We review …
increased social and ecological uncertainty from stressors like climate change. We review …
Including local knowledge in coastal policy innovation: comparing three Dutch case studies
In the context of a growing emphasis on research and application of citizen engagement
methods in environmental planning and management (eg Reed 2008; Von Korff et al. 2010) …
methods in environmental planning and management (eg Reed 2008; Von Korff et al. 2010) …
Fostering collective action through participation in natural resource and environmental management: An integrative and interpretative narrative review using the IAD …
JF Ortiz-Riomalo, AK Koessler, S Engel - Journal of Environmental …, 2023 - Elsevier
Solving humanity's social-environmental challenges calls for collective action by relevant
actors. Hence, involving these actors in the policy process has been deemed necessary and …
actors. Hence, involving these actors in the policy process has been deemed necessary and …
Applying participatory processes to address conflicts over the conservation of large carnivores: Understanding conditions for successful management
V Salvatori, E Balian, JC Blanco, P Ciucci… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Social conflicts over large carnivores are becoming more frequent following the general
recovery of large carnivores in human shaped landscapes in Europe. To manage conflicts …
recovery of large carnivores in human shaped landscapes in Europe. To manage conflicts …