The HUPO PSI's molecular interaction format—a community standard for the representation of protein interaction data
A major goal of proteomics is the complete description of the protein interaction network
underlying cell physiology. A large number of small scale and, more recently, large-scale …
underlying cell physiology. A large number of small scale and, more recently, large-scale …
Protein sequence databases
A variety of protein sequence databases exist, ranging from simple sequence repositories,
which store data with little or no manual intervention in the creation of the records, to expertly …
which store data with little or no manual intervention in the creation of the records, to expertly …
Scansite 2.0: Proteome-wide prediction of cell signaling interactions using short sequence motifs
Scansite identifies short protein sequence motifs that are recognized by modular signaling
domains, phosphorylated by protein Ser/Thr-or Tyr-kinases or mediate specific interactions …
domains, phosphorylated by protein Ser/Thr-or Tyr-kinases or mediate specific interactions …
IntAct: an open source molecular interaction database
H Hermjakob, L Montecchi‐Palazzi… - Nucleic acids …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
IntAct provides an open source database and toolkit for the storage, presentation and
analysis of protein interactions. The web interface provides both textual and graphical …
analysis of protein interactions. The web interface provides both textual and graphical …
The Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Expedition: Expanding the Universe of Protein Families
Metagenomics projects based on shotgun sequencing of populations of micro-organisms
yield insight into protein families. We used sequence similarity clustering to explore proteins …
yield insight into protein families. We used sequence similarity clustering to explore proteins …
GenBank: update
DA Benson, I Karsch‐Mizrachi, DJ Lipman… - Nucleic acids …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
GenBank (R) is a comprehensive database that contains publicly available DNA sequences
for more than 140 000 named organisms, obtained primarily through submissions from …
for more than 140 000 named organisms, obtained primarily through submissions from …
[PDF][PDF] IMGT/JunctionAnalysis: the first tool for the analysis of the immunoglobulin and T cell receptor complex V–J and V–D–J JUNCTIONs
MY Monod, V Giudicelli, D Chaume, MP Lefranc - Bioinformatics, 2004 - academia.edu
Motivation: To create the enormous diversity of 1012 immunoglobulins (IG) and T cell
receptors (TR) per individual, very complex mechanisms occur at the DNA level: the …
receptors (TR) per individual, very complex mechanisms occur at the DNA level: the …
Basic overview of chemoinformatics
T Engel - Journal of chemical information and modeling, 2006 - ACS Publications
There is no particular point in time that determines when chemoinformatics was founded or
established. It slowly evolved from several, often quite humble beginnings. Scientists in …
established. It slowly evolved from several, often quite humble beginnings. Scientists in …
[PDF][PDF] Use of bioinformatics tools in different spheres of life sciences
The pace, by which scientific knowledge is being produced and shared today, was never
been so fast in the past. Different areas of science are getting closer to each other to give …
been so fast in the past. Different areas of science are getting closer to each other to give …
The EMBL nucleotide sequence database
T Kulikova, P Aldebert, N Althorpe, W Baker… - Nucleic acids …, 2004 - academic.oup.com
Abstract The EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (http://www. ebi. ac. uk/embl/),
maintained at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), incorporates, organizes and …
maintained at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), incorporates, organizes and …