Job demands–resources theory: Ten years later
Burnout refers to a work-related state of exhaustion and a sense of cynicism. In contrast,
work engagement is a positive motivational state of vigor, dedication, and absorption. In this …
work engagement is a positive motivational state of vigor, dedication, and absorption. In this …
Reorienting job crafting research: A hierarchical structure of job crafting concepts and integrative review
Two dominant perspectives of job crafting—the original theory from Wrzesniewski and
Dutton () and the job demands resources perspective from Tims, Bakker, and Derks () …
Dutton () and the job demands resources perspective from Tims, Bakker, and Derks () …
Let me go to the office! An investigation into the side effects of working from home on work-life balance
R Palumbo - International Journal of Public Sector Management, 2020 - emerald.com
Purpose The disruptions brought by COVID-19 pandemic compelled a large part of public
sector employees to remotely work from home. Home-based teleworking ensured the …
sector employees to remotely work from home. Home-based teleworking ensured the …
[HTML][HTML] How to prevent and combat employee burnout and create healthier workplaces during crises and beyond
Burnout results from chronic work-related stress. People who are burned out are emotionally
drained and feel negative and detached from work, which result in decreased performance …
drained and feel negative and detached from work, which result in decreased performance …
Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) with job crafting: exploring trickle-down effect and employees' outcomes
The wide application of AI in the service industry has dramatically changed job tasks and
required knowledge. It becomes more urgent and necessary to craft their job proactively to …
required knowledge. It becomes more urgent and necessary to craft their job proactively to …
Job crafting: A meta-analysis of relationships with individual differences, job characteristics, and work outcomes
Job crafting is a form of proactive work behavior that involves employees actively changing
the (perceived) characteristics of their jobs, including behaviors aimed at increasing …
the (perceived) characteristics of their jobs, including behaviors aimed at increasing …
A meta-analysis on promotion-and prevention-focused job crafting
The purpose of this study is to present a meta-analytical summary of the job crafting
literature. We integrate resource-and role-based job crafting conceptualizations in one job …
literature. We integrate resource-and role-based job crafting conceptualizations in one job …
A role–resource approach–avoidance model of job crafting: A multimethod integration and extension of job crafting theory
Job crafting refers to changes to a job that workers make with the intention of improving the
job for themselves. It may include structural (ie, physical and procedural), social, and …
job for themselves. It may include structural (ie, physical and procedural), social, and …
Transformational leadership, adaptability, and job crafting: The moderating role of organizational identification
In this study, we aim to explore the link between transformational leadership and job crafting.
We predict that transformational leadership will stimulate employee job crafting (seeking …
We predict that transformational leadership will stimulate employee job crafting (seeking …
The effects of job crafting on tour leaders' work engagement: the mediating role of person-job fit and meaningfulness of work
Y Guo, X Hou - International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality …, 2022 - emerald.com
The effects of job crafting on tour leaders’ work engagement: the mediating role of person-job fit
and meaningfulness of work | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert …
and meaningfulness of work | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert …