Impact of climate-induced floods and typhoons on geriatric disabling health among older Chinese and Filipinos: a cross-country systematic review

JK Balikuddembe, Y Zheng, DEL Prisno III, R Stodden - BMC geriatrics, 2024 - Springer
Abstract Background Apart from both China and the Philippines continuing to be exposed to
and affected by different climate-induced hazards, in particular floods and typhoons, they are …

A meta-ethnography of global research on the mental health and emotional impacts of climate change on older adults

N Marinova, L Calabria, E Marks - Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2024 - Elsevier
Older adults are argued to be one of the more vulnerable populations to the adverse impacts
of climate change on mental health. There has been no meta-synthesis of the qualitative …

First Responders' Perceptions About Addressing the Postdisaster Needs of the Homeless

V Bishop - 2023 -
Understanding how communities address the postdisaster needs of people who are housed
have been explored; however, no studies have examined how communities use their …