Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Capabilities for Real-Time Monitoring of Cybersecurity Threats

NM Karie, NMB Sahri, W Yang… - … Artificial Intelligence for …, 2022 - Springer
The number of cybersecurity incidents perpetrated by adversaries using modern complex
and emerging technologies is growing exponentially. To curb this threat, advanced …

Performance Analysis of Data Leakage Detection System

V Srivastava, A Majumdar… - 2022 3rd International …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Data Leakage is the biggest issue, in this digital world. Big organizations keep consolidated
data of personal information of employees, users, customers, clients, etc. Even there are …


S Aho - trepo.tuni.fi
Tässä tutkielmassa aiheena on” Kyberriskit vapaaehtoisten henkilövakuutusten
korvauspalvelussa: Case Keskinäinen Vakuutusyhtiö”. Kyberriskit ovat nousseet viime …

Critical data leak detection in institutions' public Web sites

VA Igorevich - 2020 - search.proquest.com
Content of modern Web sites could be vulnerable to the data leaks, but could also already
contain data leaks in itself, especially in the content of large institution's Web sites, where a …

[PDF][PDF] Improving Relevance Effectiveness in Data Leakage Detection Using Feature Selection

A Skrop - personales.upv.es
Data leakage is an uncontrolled or unauthorized transmission of classified information to the
outside. Many software solutions were developed to provide data protection. However, none …