Ichnodisparity has been recently introduced as a concept to assess the variability of morphologic plans in biogenic structures, revealing major innovations in body plan …
Ichnology is the study of traces created in the substrate by living organisms. This is the first book to systematically cover basic concepts and applications in both paleobiology and …
Several challenges exist in ichnotaxonomy: overcoming the perceived distinction between invertebrate and vertebrate ichnotaxonomy, standardizing terminology, rationalizing the …
Much of what we know about terrestrial life during the Carboniferous Period comes from Middle Pennsylvanian (~ 315–307 Mya) Coal Measures deposited in low-lying wetland …
A comprehensive systematic neoichnological study was conducted to investigate the affect of substrate conditions on the morphology and survivorship of terrestrial arthropod …
The Early Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of the Robledo Mountains in Dona Ana County, southern New Mexico, contains a diverse and abundant nonmarine trace fossil …
The colonization of land was a major evolutionary transition. Following a protracted prelude to the terrestrial invasion during the Ediacaran to Ordovician, the remainder of the Paleozoic …
The potential of the ichnofossil record for exploring the evolution of behavior has never been fully realized. Some of this is due to the nature of the trace fossil record itself. Equally …
ABSTRACT A large open-pit quarry in Plainville, Massachusetts, has yielded fourteen invertebrate ichnotaxa from the Pennsylvanian Rhode Island Formation of the Narragansett …
M Avanzini, P Contardi, A Ronchi, G Santi - Ichnos, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The Lower Permian ichnofauna in the Collio Formation (Artinskian) in the Val Trompia (Brescian Prealps, North Italy) has been studied for a long time, but the studies have focused …