Accretionary complexes in the Asia-Pacific region: Tracing archives of ocean plate stratigraphy and tracking mantle plumes

IY Safonova, M Santosh - Gondwana Research, 2014 - Elsevier
The accretionary complexes of Central and East Asia (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Mongolia, and China) and the Western Pacific (China, Japan, Russia) preserve …

Pacific superplume-related oceanic basalts hosted by accretionary complexes of Central Asia, Russian Far East and Japan

IY Safonova, A Utsunomiya, S Kojima, S Nakae… - Gondwana …, 2009 - Elsevier
Plume-related oceanic magmatism form oceanic islands, seamounts and plateaus (hereafter
“seamounts” or “paleoseamounts”), which are important features in geological history. The …

Recognizing OIB and MORB in accretionary complexes: A new approach based on ocean plate stratigraphy, petrology and geochemistry

I Safonova, S Maruyama, S Kojima, T Komiya… - Gondwana …, 2016 - Elsevier
We present a new approach for recognizing the origin of accreted basaltic rocks based on
ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS), and on the petrology and geochemistry of basalts from mid …

Intraplate magmatism and oceanic plate stratigraphy of the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Pacific Oceans from 600 to 140 Ma

IY Safonova - Ore Geology Reviews, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper reviews localities of intraplate basalts of the Paleo-Asian and Paleo-Pacific
Oceans, which occur as fragments of former oceanic islands, seamounts and plateaus in …

[HTML][HTML] Marine osmium isotope record during the Carnian “pluvial episode”(Late Triassic) in the pelagic Panthalassa Ocean

Y Tomimatsu, T Nozaki, H Sato, Y Takaya… - Global and Planetary …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) was a global environmental change and biotic
crisis that occurred during the Carnian (Late Triassic). The climate during the CPE was …

Oceanic island basalts in accretionary complexes of SW Japan: tectonic and petrogenetic implications

I Safonova, S Kojima, S Nakae, RL Romer… - Journal of Asian Earth …, 2015 - Elsevier
The paper presents the results of a detailed geochemical study (major and trace elements,
Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes) of early Carboniferous to Miocene volcanic rocks of the Akiyoshi …

Upper Triassic (Ladinian?-Carnian) reef biota from the Sambosan Accretionary Complex, Shikoku, Japan

C Peybernes, J Chablais, R Martini - Facies, 2015 - Springer
Abstract The Middle and Late Triassic was a time of important reef development. This
evolution, which is primarily documented in the Tethys realm, comprised several phases …

Upper Triassic foraminifers from Panthalassan carbonate buildups of Southwestern Japan and their paleobiogeographic implications

J Chablais, R Martini, F Kobayashi, GM Stampfli… - Micropaleontology, 2011 - JSTOR
Detailed sampling of the Upper Triassic atoll-type carbonates of the Sambosan Accretionary
Complex throughout Southwest Japan yielded highly abundant and diversified …

Upper Triassic reef-limestone blocks of southwestern Japan: new data from a Panthalassan seamount

J Chablais, T Onoue, R Martini - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology …, 2010 - Elsevier
Norian–Rhaetian reef-limestone outcrops belonging to the Sambosan Accretionary
Complex located near and within Inaba Cave, western Shikoku Island (Japan), are …

Middle Miocene forearc alkaline magmatism in Amami-Oshima Island, central Ryukyu Arc: implications for paleoreconstruction of Shikoku Basin

G Motohashi, O Ishizuka, H Oda, T Sano… - Earth, Planets and …, 2023 - Springer
During the middle Miocene, forearc alkaline magmatism occurred in the Outer Zone of
Southwest Japan and the northern Ryukyu Arc, resulting in the formation of forearc alkaline …