Amazon hydrology from space: scientific advances and future challenges
As the largest river basin on Earth, the Amazon is of major importance to the world's climate
and water resources. Over the past decades, advances in satellite‐based remote sensing …
and water resources. Over the past decades, advances in satellite‐based remote sensing …
A global review on hydrological responses to forest change across multiple spatial scales: Importance of scale, climate, forest type and hydrological regime
Despite extensive studies on hydrological responses to forest cover change in small
watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest change and associated mechanisms …
watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest change and associated mechanisms …
Cerrado deforestation threatens regional climate and water availability for agriculture and ecosystems
Abstract The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the most biodiverse savannas in the world, yet 46%
of its original cover has been cleared to make way for crops and pastures. These extensive …
of its original cover has been cleared to make way for crops and pastures. These extensive …
Land-use and climate change risks in the Amazon and the need of a novel sustainable development paradigm
For half a century, the process of economic integration of the Amazon has been based on
intensive use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, which has brought …
intensive use of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, which has brought …
Large‐scale degradation of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems
Hydrological connectivity regulates the structure and function of Amazonian freshwater
ecosystems and the provisioning of services that sustain local populations. This connectivity …
ecosystems and the provisioning of services that sustain local populations. This connectivity …
The Amazon basin in transition
Agricultural expansion and climate variability have become important agents of disturbance
in the Amazon basin. Recent studies have demonstrated considerable resilience of …
in the Amazon basin. Recent studies have demonstrated considerable resilience of …
Ecological restoration as a strategy for mitigating and adapting to climate change: lessons and challenges from Brazil
Climate change is a global phenomenon that affects biophysical systems and human well-
being. The Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate …
being. The Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate …
Global pattern for the effect of climate and land cover on water yield
Research results on the effects of land cover change on water resources vary greatly and
the topic remains controversial. Here we use published data worldwide to examine the …
the topic remains controversial. Here we use published data worldwide to examine the …
The hydrology of the humid tropics
Hydrological processes in the humid tropics differ from other regions in having greater
energy inputs and faster rates of change, including human-induced change. Human …
energy inputs and faster rates of change, including human-induced change. Human …
The effects of tropical vegetation on rainfall
Vegetation modifies land-surface properties, mediating the exchange of energy, moisture,
trace gases, and aerosols between the land and the atmosphere. These exchanges …
trace gases, and aerosols between the land and the atmosphere. These exchanges …