[HTML][HTML] Botulinum toxin intervention in cerebral palsy-induced spasticity management: projected and contradictory effects on skeletal muscles
Spasticity, following the neurological disorder of cerebral palsy (CP), describes a
pathological condition, the central feature of which is involuntary and prolonged muscle …
pathological condition, the central feature of which is involuntary and prolonged muscle …
[HTML][HTML] Unraveling the threads of stability: a review of the neurophysiology of postural control in Parkinson's disease
JE Bath, DD Wang - Neurotherapeutics, 2024 - Elsevier
Postural instability is a detrimental and often treatment-refractory symptom of Parkinson's
disease. While many existing studies quantify the biomechanical deficits among various …
disease. While many existing studies quantify the biomechanical deficits among various …
[HTML][HTML] Objective methods of muscle tone diagnosis and their application—a critical review
“Muscle tone” is a clinically important and widely used term and palpation is a crucial skill for
its diagnosis. However, the term is defined rather vaguely, and palpation is not measurable …
its diagnosis. However, the term is defined rather vaguely, and palpation is not measurable …
Rigidity in Parkinson's disease: evidence from biomechanical and neurophysiological measures
Although rigidity is a cardinal motor sign in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), the
instrumental measurement of this clinical phenomenon is largely lacking, and its …
instrumental measurement of this clinical phenomenon is largely lacking, and its …
Reliability of MyotonPro in measuring the biomechanical properties of the quadriceps femoris muscle in people with different levels and types of motor preparation
The aim of this research was to evaluate the reliability of the measurements of
biomechanical parameters of the muscles of athletes representing different disciplines as …
biomechanical parameters of the muscles of athletes representing different disciplines as …
Quantity and distribution of muscle spindles in animal and human muscles
Muscle spindles have unique anatomical characteristics that can be directly affected by the
surrounding tissues under physiological and pathological conditions. Understanding their …
surrounding tissues under physiological and pathological conditions. Understanding their …
Effect of virtual running with exercise on functionality in pre-frail and frail elderly people: randomized clinical trial
S Mollà-Casanova, E Muñoz-Gómez… - Aging Clinical and …, 2023 - Springer
Background Virtual mirror therapies could increase the results of exercise, since the mirror
neuron system produces an activation of motor execution cortical areas by observing actions …
neuron system produces an activation of motor execution cortical areas by observing actions …
Defects in exosome biogenesis are associated with sensorimotor defects in zebrafish vps4a mutants
A Shipman, Y Gao, D Liu, S Sun, J Zang… - Journal of …, 2024 - jneurosci.org
Mutations in human VPS4A are associated with neurodevelopmental defects, including
motor delays and defective muscle tone. VPS4A encodes a AAA-ATPase required for …
motor delays and defective muscle tone. VPS4A encodes a AAA-ATPase required for …
Linking cortex and contraction—Integrating models along the corticomuscular pathway
Computational models of the neuromusculoskeletal system provide a deterministic
approach to investigate input-output relationships in the human motor system …
approach to investigate input-output relationships in the human motor system …
[HTML][HTML] Clinical measures for tone assessment in adults with central nervous system disorders—a sco** review in a rehabilitation context
L Pinho, S Silva, M Freitas, V Figueira, F Pinho… - Applied Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
Assessment of muscle tone in a clinical setting is important for the physiotherapist to better
analyse and establish appropriate treatments for CNS disorders. This study aims to review …
analyse and establish appropriate treatments for CNS disorders. This study aims to review …