Organizational resilience: a valuable construct for management research?
Recently, the concept of resilience has gained new momentum in organization studies. It is
held to be a very promising concept to explain how organizations can survive and thrive …
held to be a very promising concept to explain how organizations can survive and thrive …
Masters of disasters? Challenges and opportunities for SMEs in times of crisis
F Eggers - Journal of business Research, 2020 - Elsevier
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of every economy. So, when
an external crisis jeopardizes markets, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, SMEs are hit …
an external crisis jeopardizes markets, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, SMEs are hit …
Impact of COVID-19 on logistics systems and disruptions in food supply chain
An outbreak of deadly COVID-19 virus has not only taken the lives of people but also
severely crippled the economy. Due to strict lockdown, the manufacturing and logistics …
severely crippled the economy. Due to strict lockdown, the manufacturing and logistics …
Temporary business model innovation–SMEs' innovation response to the Covid‐19 crisis
The Covid‐19 crisis has hit SMEs particularly hard. Numerous business models (BM) have
been limited or rendered downright impossible due to decreased social contact. SMEs can …
been limited or rendered downright impossible due to decreased social contact. SMEs can …
A dynamic perspective on the resilience of firms: A systematic literature review and a framework for future research
This study aims to answer the following research question: how is the resilience of firms
defined in the business and management field? In doing so, we answer recent calls for …
defined in the business and management field? In doing so, we answer recent calls for …
Resilient research in the field: Insights and lessons from adapting qualitative research projects during the COVID-19 pandemic
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the implementation of unprecedented social
distancing measures, restricting social interaction and with it the possibility for conducting …
distancing measures, restricting social interaction and with it the possibility for conducting …
Rethinking organizational resilience and strategic renewal in SMEs
B Herbane - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Building on work that associates organizational resilience with crisis recovery and strategic
renewal, I examine how small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) vary in the …
renewal, I examine how small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) vary in the …
Exploring the potential of SMEs to build individual, organizational, and community resilience through sustainability‐oriented business practices
Small‐and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) can have significant resources, capacities,
and influence in their communities, suggesting they have the potential to be agents for …
and influence in their communities, suggesting they have the potential to be agents for …
[КНИГА][B] Tourism and resilience: Individual, organisational and destination perspectives
This book is the first authored overview of resilience in tourism and its relationship to the
broader resilience literature. The volume takes a multi-scaled approach to examine …
broader resilience literature. The volume takes a multi-scaled approach to examine …
Analysing supply chain resilience: integrating the constructs in a concept map** framework via a systematic literature review
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the concept of supply chain resilience
(SCRES) within a concept map** framework to seek conceptual clarity, with an emphasis …
(SCRES) within a concept map** framework to seek conceptual clarity, with an emphasis …