Stigmatized work and stigmatized workers
Stigmas pervade organizational life. A stigma is a discrediting social evaluation that
devalues an individual or group. We review research on stigmatized work and stigmatized …
devalues an individual or group. We review research on stigmatized work and stigmatized …
Stigma beyond levels: Advancing research on stigmatization
Stigma has become an increasingly significant challenge for society. Recognition of this
problem is indicated by the growing attention paid to it within the management literature …
problem is indicated by the growing attention paid to it within the management literature …
Constraints and opportunities of stigma: Entrepreneurial emancipation in the sex industry
Entrepreneurs work not only in socially accepted and valued domains but also in highly
contested, stigmatized industries. Despite the extreme constraints of working in stigmatized …
contested, stigmatized industries. Despite the extreme constraints of working in stigmatized …
Intersectionality in intractable dirty work: How Mumbai ragpickers make meaning of their work and lives
Recent dirty work research has begun to explore intersectionality, attending to how meaning
is made at the intersection of multiple sources of taint. This research has shown that …
is made at the intersection of multiple sources of taint. This research has shown that …
Enabling the voices of marginalized groups of people in theoretical business ethics research
The paper addresses an understudied but highly relevant group of people within corporate
organizations and society in general—the marginalized—as well as their narration, and …
organizations and society in general—the marginalized—as well as their narration, and …
Challenging the 'dirty worker'—'clean client'dichotomy: Conceptualizing worker‐client relations in dirty work
Dirty work research has long analytically prioritized focusing on the people who do dirty
work, largely sidestep** who the clients of dirty work are and what contribution they can …
work, largely sidestep** who the clients of dirty work are and what contribution they can …
Development and validation of the workplace dignity scale
As organizational scholars have become critically attuned to human flourishing in the
workplace, interest in workplace dignity has grown rapidly. Yet, a valid scale to measure …
workplace, interest in workplace dignity has grown rapidly. Yet, a valid scale to measure …
Entrepreneurship out of shame: Entrepreneurial pathways at the intersection of necessity, emancipation, and social change
Shame has been identified as a debilitating emotion that impedes entrepreneurial action.
Yet, there are many examples of people who experience shame and go on to create …
Yet, there are many examples of people who experience shame and go on to create …
Co** with dirty work: A meta-synthesis from a resource perspective
There is now a substantial body of literature on the co** strategies used by workers
employed in stigmatized dirty work. However, there is insufficient knowledge about what …
employed in stigmatized dirty work. However, there is insufficient knowledge about what …
Dignity inherent and earned: The experience of dignity at work
Few concepts are more poignant than dignity at this point in history due to the confluence of
several profound phenomena that detract from dignity—the pandemic, racial inequality, and …
several profound phenomena that detract from dignity—the pandemic, racial inequality, and …