Recent progress in low-dimensional nanomaterials filled multifunctional metal matrix nanocomposites
Conventional metal matrix composites (MMCs) with particles, whiskers, and fibers as
reinforcements have been developed primarily for structural applications. Despite their long …
reinforcements have been developed primarily for structural applications. Despite their long …
Polymeric nanocomposites for tribological applications
Polymer nanocomposites operate in applications where fluid and grease lubricants fail, and
have superior tribological performance to traditional polymer composites. Nanoparticle fillers …
have superior tribological performance to traditional polymer composites. Nanoparticle fillers …
Influence of multi-scale three-dimensional pore characteristics on the mechanical properties of graphene oxide and carbon nanotube incorporated cement paste
The correlation between the three-dimensional pore characteristics and mechanical
properties of graphene oxide (GO)-and carbon nanotube (CNT)-incorporated cement pastes …
properties of graphene oxide (GO)-and carbon nanotube (CNT)-incorporated cement pastes …
Fabrication and characterisation of Al–7Si–0.35 Mg/fly ash metal matrix composites processed by different stir casting routes
TPD Rajan, RM Pillai, BC Pai… - … Science and Technology, 2007 - Elsevier
In the present investigation, the effect of three different stir casting routes on the structure
and properties of fine fly ash particles (13μm average particle size) reinforced Al–7Si–0.35 …
and properties of fine fly ash particles (13μm average particle size) reinforced Al–7Si–0.35 …
The key attributes of synthesizing ceramic particulate reinforced Al-based matrix composites through stir casting process: a review
It is apparent that technological development depends on advances in the field of materials.
One may design most durable and highly efficient automobile or aircraft; however, without …
One may design most durable and highly efficient automobile or aircraft; however, without …
Microstructural and abrasive wear properties of SiC reinforced aluminum-based composite produced by compocasting
A Mazahery, MO Shabani - Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of …, 2013 - Elsevier
The effect of SiC particles reinforcement with average size of 1, 5, 20 and 50 μm and volume
fraction of 5%, 10% and 15% on the microstructure and tribological properties of Al-based …
fraction of 5%, 10% and 15% on the microstructure and tribological properties of Al-based …
Synthesis and characterization of aluminum alloy 7075 reinforced with silicon carbide particulates
A Kalkanlı, S Yılmaz - Materials & Design, 2008 - Elsevier
In this study 7075 matrix alloy is chosen and SiC particles having average particle size of
29μm was incorporated into the alloy at the liquid state before vertical pressure casting. Four …
29μm was incorporated into the alloy at the liquid state before vertical pressure casting. Four …
[หนังสือ][B] Micro Mechanical Analysis and Multi-Scale Modeling
S Ghosh - 2011 - api.taylorfrancis.com
It was a cold January morning in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1991. I was visiting the ALCOA
Technical Center to present a seminar in their Materials and Manufacturing Division. After …
Technical Center to present a seminar in their Materials and Manufacturing Division. After …
[HTML][HTML] Processing of advanced Al/SiC particulate metal matrix composites under intensive shearing–A novel Rheo-process
Particulate metal matrix composites (PMMCs) have attracted interest for application in
numerous fields. The current processing methods often produce agglomerated particles in …
numerous fields. The current processing methods often produce agglomerated particles in …
Equal channel angular pressing of metal matrix composites: Effect on particle distribution and fracture toughness
An Al6061-20% Al2O3 powder metallurgy (PM) metal matrix composite (MMC) with a
strongly clustered particle distribution is subjected to equal channel angular pressing …
strongly clustered particle distribution is subjected to equal channel angular pressing …