[HTML][HTML] Universal properties of relaxation and diffusion in complex materials: Originating from fundamental physics with rich applications

KL Ngai - Progress in Materials Science, 2023 - Elsevier
Complex materials are composed of basic units which invariably interact with anharmonic
potentials. It is well known that the dynamics of systems with anharmonic interaction are …

Recent developments in the experimental investigations of relaxations in pharmaceuticals by dielectric techniques at ambient and elevated pressure

K Grzybowska, S Capaccioli, M Paluch - Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
In recent years, there is a growing interest in improving the physicochemical stability of
amorphous pharmaceutical solids due to their very promising applications to manufacture …

Corresponding states of structural glass formers. II

YS Elmatad, D Chandler… - The Journal of Physical …, 2010 - ACS Publications
The earlier paper of this same title demonstrated a collapse of relaxation data of fragile
supercooled glass forming liquids [J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 5563− 5567]. For …

Many-body nature of relaxation processes in glass-forming systems

S Capaccioli, M Paluch, D Prevosto… - The journal of …, 2012 - ACS Publications
Most glass-forming systems are composed of basic units interacting with each other with a
nontrivial anharmonic potential. Naturally, relaxation and diffusion in glass formers is a many …

Relaxation phenomena in vitrifying polymers and molecular liquids

CM Roland - Macromolecules, 2010 - ACS Publications
Recent experimental results on the dynamics of glass-forming materials, particularly
polymers, are surveyed. The focus is on aspects of the behavior that are connected to or …

Glass transitions in aqueous solutions of protein (bovine serum albumin)

N Shinyashiki, W Yamamoto, A Yokoyama… - The Journal of …, 2009 - ACS Publications
Measurements by adiabatic calorimetry of heat capacities and enthalpy relaxation rates of a
20%(w/w) aqueous solution of bovine serum albumin (BSA) by Kawai, Suzuki, and Oguni …

Thermodynamic scaling of α-relaxation time and viscosity stems from the Johari-Goldstein β-relaxation or the primitive relaxation of the coupling model

KL Ngai, J Habasaki, D Prevosto… - The Journal of …, 2012 - pubs.aip.org
By now it is well established that the structural α-relaxation time, τ α, of non-associated small
molecular and polymeric glass-formers obey thermodynamic scaling. In other words, τ α is a …

[HTML][HTML] Prevalence of approximate t relaxation for the dielectric α process in viscous organic liquids

AI Nielsen, T Christensen, B Jakobsen… - The Journal of …, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
This paper presents dielectric relaxation data for organic glass-forming liquids compiled
from different groups and supplemented by new measurements. The main quantity of …

Interdependence of Primary and Johari− goldstein secondary relaxations in glass-Forming systems

K Kessairi, S Capaccioli, D Prevosto… - The Journal of …, 2008 - ACS Publications
We report evidence from broadband dielectric spectroscopy that the dynamics of the primary
α-and secondary Johari− Goldstein (JG) β-processes are strongly correlated in different …

Thermodynamic scaling of the dynamics of a strongly hydrogen-bonded glass-former

M Romanini, M Barrio, R Macovez, MD Ruiz-Martin… - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
We probe the temperature-and pressure-dependent specific volume (v) and dipolar
dynamics of the amorphous phase (in both the supercooled liquid and glass states) of the …