Design models for small run-of-river hydropower plants: a review
Hydropower plants are among the most efficient and reliable renewable energy systems in
the world as far as electricity production is concerned. Run-of-river hydropower plants seem …
the world as far as electricity production is concerned. Run-of-river hydropower plants seem …
The Impact of Community-Based Micro-Hydroelectric Plants on Sustainable Development in the Gilgit–Baltistan Region of Pakistan
MA Khan, N Yousuf… - The Journal of …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper reflects on Pakistan's current energy scenario and focuses on the Gilgit–Baltistan
(GB) region where electrification remains a critical issue, particularly for the rural and remote …
(GB) region where electrification remains a critical issue, particularly for the rural and remote …
Feasibility and sensitivity assessment of various heads for micro-hydropower plant design in the Deluwang watershed, Indonesia
The escalating global demand for electrical energy, including in Indonesia, underscores the
need for renewable energy sources like micro-hydropower plants (MHPs). This study …
need for renewable energy sources like micro-hydropower plants (MHPs). This study …
Hybrid voltage regulation of the Nigerian 330 kV grid using static synchronous compensator and static synchronous series compensator
A Akinuli Abimbola, A Akinola Olubunmi… - … istraživanja s aspekta …, 2024 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Recently, the control of voltage instability through appropriate power factor
correction programmes has become a necessity in power systems due to recurring …
correction programmes has become a necessity in power systems due to recurring …
Diseño de sistemas de electrificación autónomos para comunidades rurales considerando incertidumbre en la estimación de la demanda
R Galleguillos Pozo - 2023 - upcommons.upc.edu
(Español) El objetivo de las Naciones Unidas de asegurar el acceso a la energía para todos
aún está lejos de completarse, particularmente en zonas rurales de países en desarrollo …
aún está lejos de completarse, particularmente en zonas rurales de países en desarrollo …
Hybrid voltage regulation of the Nigerian 330 kV grid using static synchronous compensator and static synchronous series compensator
AA Akinuli, OA Akinola, OI Adebisi… - Engineering …, 2024 - engineeringreview.org
In recent times voltage instability control through appropriate reactive power compensation
schemes has become a necessity in power systems due to the frequent recurrence of …
schemes has become a necessity in power systems due to the frequent recurrence of …
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WY Widiartia, E Hidayah, A Rohmanb, RUA Wiyonoa… - researchgate.net
The escalating global demand for electrical energy, including in Indonesia, underscores the
need for renewable energy sources like micro-hydropower plants (MHPs). This study …
need for renewable energy sources like micro-hydropower plants (MHPs). This study …