[HTML][HTML] Radionuclide transport in multi-scale fractured rocks: a review

X Zhang, F Ma, Z Dai, J Wang, L Chen, H Ling… - Journal of hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
Significant progress has been achieved on radionuclide transport in fractured rocks due to
worldwide urgent needs for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) …

Uranium: The nuclear fuel cycle and beyond

BMT Costa Peluzo, E Kraka - International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
This review summarizes the recent developments regarding the use of uranium as nuclear
fuel, including recycling and health aspects, elucidated from a chemical point of view, ie …

Nuclear waste disposal—pyrochlore Nuclear waste form for the immobilization of plutonium and “minor” actinides

RC Ewing, WJ Weber, J Lian - Journal of Applied Physics, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
During the past half-century, the nuclear fuel cycle has generated approximately 1400 metric
tons of plutonium and substantial quantities of the “minor” actinides, such as Np, Am, and …

Radiation tolerance of complex oxides

KE Sickafus, L Minervini, RW Grimes, JA Valdez… - Science, 2000 - science.org
The radiation performance of a variety of complex oxides is predicted on the basis of a
material's propensity to accommodate lattice point defects. The calculations indicate that a …

Radiation effects in crystalline ceramics for the immobilization of high-level nuclear waste and plutonium

WJ Weber, RC Ewing, CRA Catlow… - Journal of Materials …, 1998 - cambridge.org
This review provides a comprehensive evaluation of the state-of-knowledge of radiation
effects in crystalline ceramics that may be used for the immobilization of high-level nuclear …

The influence of natural radiation damage on helium diffusion kinetics in apatite

DL Shuster, RM Flowers, KA Farley - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006 - Elsevier
Stepwise degassing diffusion experiments on 39 different apatite samples using radiogenic
4He and proton-induced 3He reveal a range in closure temperature (Tc) from∼ 50 to 115° …

Ti -edge XANES studies of Ti coordination and disorder in oxide compounds: Comparison between theory and experiment

F Farges, GE Brown, JJ Rehr - Physical Review B, 1997 - APS
Experimental Ti K-edge x-ray-absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for a variety
of Ti (IV)-bearing crystalline oxide model compounds are compared with those calculated …

Nuclear waste forms for actinides

RC Ewing - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999 - pnas.org
The disposition of actinides, most recently 239Pu from dismantled nuclear weapons,
requires effective containment of waste generated by the nuclear fuel cycle. Because …

Radiation effects in glasses used for immobilization of high-level waste and plutonium disposition

WJ Weber, RC Ewing, CA Angell… - Journal of Materials …, 1997 - cambridge.org
This paper is a comprehensive review of the state-of-knowledge in the field of radiation
effects in glasses that are to be used for the immobilization of high-level nuclear waste and …

Radiation damage in zircon and monazite

A Meldrum, LA Boatner, WJ Weber… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 1998 - Elsevier
Monazite and zircon respond differently to ion irradiation and to thermal and irradiation-
enhanced annealing. Monazite cannot be amorphized by 800 keV Kr+ ions at temperatures …