Workplace learning strategies, barriers, facilitators and outcomes: A qualitative study among human resource management practitioners

P Crouse, W Doyle, JD Young - Human Resource Development …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
Recently the role of human resource management (HRM) practitioners has become more
professionalized and more strategic. Consequently, HRM practitioners have had to develop …

The impact of learning organizations on employee performance with an emphasis on network communication approach

E Hassani, P Gelard, F Sharifzadeh… - Education in the …, 2022 -
En este estudio se ha intentado conocer el impacto de las organizaciones de aprendizaje
en el rendimiento de los empleados, haciendo hincapié en el enfoque de la comunicación …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of finance, infrastructure and training on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria

MS Abdullahi, PL Ghazali, Z Awang… - International Journal of …, 2015 -
ABSTRACT Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) play significant roles in providing
employment opportunities, alleviating poverty, empowering communities, provision of goods …

Coworkers' responses to knowledge sharing: the moderating role of a knowledge contributor's job competence

P Tang, JYM Lai, X Chen, SFI Fu - The Learning Organization, 2024 -
Purpose Drawing on social exchange theory, this study aims to investigate the reciprocal
relationship between an employee's knowledge sharing and his or her coworkers' …

The model of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of small and medium enterprises

A Octavia, H Ali - International Review of Management and …, 2017 -
Small and medium business in Indonesia has different characteristics with other countries.
This research aims to analyze the influence between the orientation of the market and the …

Incorporación de TIC en el sector productivo: uso y desuso de las políticas públicas para favorecer su difusión

S Rovira, P Santoleri, G Stumpo - 2013 -
Las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones (TIC) han experimentado un
desarrollo espectacular a lo largo de los últimos veinte años y han impulsado innovaciones …

[PDF][PDF] The Impact of Finance, Infrastructure and Training on the Performance of SMEs in Pakistan

F Jamal, Y Zhijun, UU Khan, M Zubair… - South Asian Journal …, 2024 -
Aims: The aim of this paper is to determine the impact of infrastructure, finance and training
on the performance of Pakistani SMEs, using micro level data. Study Design: Quantitative …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh Pelatihan Terhadap Kompetensi Karyawan Pt. Len Industri (Persero) Bandung

PIY Wisastra, EJ Sagala - Matrik: Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis …, 2016 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelatihan terhadap kompetensi
karyawan yang dilakukan di PT. Len Industri (Persero) Bandung. Penentuan besarnya …

Workplace learning issues of hotel employees: Examining differences across management status and gender

W Doyle, S Findlay, JD Young - Journal of Human Resources in …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The purpose of the authors in this study is to examine workplace learning in hotels.
Specifically, they compare differences in learning strategies, outcomes, facilitators, and …

Pendam**an manajemen usaha dan penggunaan mesin pengering kerupuk di UKM Pelayangan Kota Jambi

A Octavia, Y Sriayudha, F Widiastuti… - … Dan Dharma Bagi …, 2019 -
Makanan olahan ikan merupakan produk unggulan di Kecamatan Pelayangan Kota Jambi.
Saat ini perkembangan industri kecil makanan olahan ikan belum menunjukkan …