Legitimation of new ventures: A review and research programme
F Überbacher - Journal of management studies, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Research on how new ventures (NV s) achieve legitimacy is fragmented and rests on taken‐
for‐granted assumptions that require problematization. Following a systematic literature …
for‐granted assumptions that require problematization. Following a systematic literature …
Lifestyle entrepreneurship: Literature review and future research agenda
D Ivanycheva, WS Schulze… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Research in leading entrepreneurship and management journals has tended to
conceptualize entrepreneurship as motivated by the goals of wealth, income, or social value …
conceptualize entrepreneurship as motivated by the goals of wealth, income, or social value …
Institutions and entrepreneurship quality
Entrepreneurship contributes importantly to the economy. However, differences in the quality
and quantity of entrepreneurship vary significantly across develo** and developed …
and quantity of entrepreneurship vary significantly across develo** and developed …
Legitimate to whom? The challenge of audience diversity and new venture legitimacy
We examine how entrepreneurs manage new venture legitimacy judgments across diverse
audiences, so as to appear legitimate to the different audience groups that provide much …
audiences, so as to appear legitimate to the different audience groups that provide much …
Better together? Signaling interactions in new venture pursuit of initial external capital
After new ventures have exhausted the limited financial resources of founders, family, and
friends, they often pursue initial external capital. To secure investment, entrepreneurs can …
friends, they often pursue initial external capital. To secure investment, entrepreneurs can …
Life after business failure: The process and consequences of business failure for entrepreneurs
Where there is uncertainty, there is bound to be failure. It is not surprising, therefore, that
many new ventures fail. What happens to entrepreneurs when their business fails? People …
many new ventures fail. What happens to entrepreneurs when their business fails? People …
Bricolage as a path to innovativeness for resource‐constrained new firms
Evidence suggests that both nascent and young firms (henceforth:“new firms”)—despite
typically being small and resource‐constrained—are sometimes able to innovate effectively …
typically being small and resource‐constrained—are sometimes able to innovate effectively …
The influence of firm age and intangible resources on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth among Japanese SMEs
BS Anderson, Y Eshima - Journal of business venturing, 2013 - Elsevier
With the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance having
broad scholarly acceptance, researchers are now delving with increased focus into the …
broad scholarly acceptance, researchers are now delving with increased focus into the …
Informal entrepreneurship in develo** economies: The impacts of starting up unregistered on firm performance
To advance understanding of the entrepreneurship process in develo** economies, this
article evaluates whether registered enterprises that initially avoid the cost of registration …
article evaluates whether registered enterprises that initially avoid the cost of registration …
Different strokes for different folks: Entrepreneurial narratives of emotion, cognition, and making sense of business failure
This multiple case study of eight entrepreneurial narratives of failed businesses examines
how narratives that express different emotional states (folks) reflect different efforts to make …
how narratives that express different emotional states (folks) reflect different efforts to make …