Impacts of recent climate change on terrestrial flora and fauna: Some emerging Australian examples
The effects of anthropogenic climate change on biodiversity are well known for some high‐
profile Australian marine systems, including coral bleaching and kelp forest devastation …
profile Australian marine systems, including coral bleaching and kelp forest devastation …
Interactive effects of rising temperatures and urbanisation on birds across different climate zones: A mechanistic perspective
Climate change and urbanisation are among the most pervasive and rapidly growing threats
to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and …
to biodiversity worldwide. However, their impacts are usually considered in isolation, and …
Cognitive performance is linked to group size and affects fitness in Australian magpies
The social intelligence hypothesis states that the demands of social life drive cognitive
evolution,,. This idea receives support from comparative studies that link variation in group …
evolution,,. This idea receives support from comparative studies that link variation in group …
Chronic, sublethal effects of high temperatures will cause severe declines in southern African arid-zone birds during the 21st century
Birds inhabiting hot, arid regions are among the terrestrial organisms most vulnerable to
climate change. The potential for increasingly frequent and intense heat waves to cause …
climate change. The potential for increasingly frequent and intense heat waves to cause …
Maximum temperatures determine the habitat affiliations of North American mammals
Addressing the ongoing biodiversity crisis requires identifying the winners and losers of
global change. Species are often categorized based on how they respond to habitat loss; for …
global change. Species are often categorized based on how they respond to habitat loss; for …
The costs of kee** cool: behavioural trade-offs between foraging and thermoregulation are associated with significant mass losses in an arid-zone bird
Avian responses to high environmental temperatures include retreating to cooler microsites
and/or increasing rates of evaporative heat dissipation via panting, both of which may affect …
and/or increasing rates of evaporative heat dissipation via panting, both of which may affect …
The impacts of heat stress on animal cognition: implications for adaptation to a changing climate
With global surface air temperature rising rapidly, extensive research effort has been
dedicated to assessing the consequences of this change for wildlife. While impacts on the …
dedicated to assessing the consequences of this change for wildlife. While impacts on the …
Avian mortality risk during heat waves will increase greatly in arid Australia during the 21st century
Intense heat waves are occurring more frequently, with concomitant increases in the risk of
catastrophic avian mortality events via lethal dehydration or hyperthermia. We quantified the …
catastrophic avian mortality events via lethal dehydration or hyperthermia. We quantified the …
Heat stress inhibits cognitive performance in wild Western Australian magpies, Cracticus tibicen dorsalis
Highlights•Western Australian magpies perform worse in a learning task when heat
stressed.•Individual performance was repeatable within, but not between, conditions.•Birds …
stressed.•Individual performance was repeatable within, but not between, conditions.•Birds …
Cognition mediates response to anthropogenic noise in wild Western Australian magpies (Gmynorhina tibicen dorsalis)
Anthropogenic noise is a pollutant of growing concern, with wide‐ranging effects on taxa
across ecosystems. Until recently, studies investigating the effects of anthropogenic noise on …
across ecosystems. Until recently, studies investigating the effects of anthropogenic noise on …