Diagrammatic routes to nonlocal correlations beyond dynamical mean field theory

G Rohringer, H Hafermann, A Toschi, AA Katanin… - Reviews of Modern …, 2018 - APS
Strong electronic correlations pose one of the biggest challenges to solid state theory.
Recently developed methods that address this problem by starting with the local, eminently …

Phase diagram of nickelate superconductors calculated by dynamical vertex approximation

K Held, L Si, P Worm, O Janson, R Arita, Z Zhong… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
We review the electronic structure of nickelate superconductors with and without effects of
electronic correlations. As a minimal model, we identify the one-band Hubbard model for the …

Tracking the footprints of spin fluctuations: A multimethod, multimessenger study of the two-dimensional Hubbard model

T Schäfer, N Wentzell, F Šimkovic IV, YY He, C Hille… - Physical Review X, 2021 - APS
The Hubbard model represents the fundamental model for interacting quantum systems and
electronic correlations. Using the two-dimensional half-filled Hubbard model at weak …

Local electronic correlation at the two-particle level

G Rohringer, A Valli, A Toschi - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2012 - APS
Electronic-correlated systems are often well described by dynamical mean field theory
(DMFT). While DMFT studies have mainly focused hitherto on one-particle properties …

Fate of the false Mott-Hubbard transition in two dimensions

T Schäfer, F Geles, D Rost, G Rohringer, E Arrigoni… - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We have studied the impact of nonlocal electronic correlations at all length scales on the
Mott-Hubbard metal-insulator transition in the unfrustrated two-dimensional Hubbard model …

Optimizing superconductivity: from cuprates via nickelates to palladates

M Kitatani, L Si, P Worm, JM Tomczak, R Arita… - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Motivated by cuprate and nickelate superconductors, we perform a comprehensive study of
the superconducting instability in the single-band Hubbard model. We calculate the …

Mott physics and spin fluctuations: A unified framework

T Ayral, O Parcollet - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
We present a formalism for strongly correlated electron systems which consists in a local
approximation of the dynamical three-leg interaction vertex. This vertex is self-consistently …

Fluctuation diagnostics of the electron self-energy: Origin of the pseudogap physics

O Gunnarsson, T Schäfer, JPF LeBlanc, E Gull… - Physical review …, 2015 - APS
We demonstrate how to identify which physical processes dominate the low-energy spectral
functions of correlated electron systems. We obtain an unambiguous classification through …

Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: An experimental and theoretical multimethod study

RA Ortiz, P Puphal, M Klett, F Hotz, RK Kremer… - Physical Review …, 2022 - APS
We report a comprehensive study of magnetic correlations in LaNiO 2, a parent compound
of the recently discovered family of infinite-layer (IL) nickelate superconductors, using …

High-frequency asymptotics of the vertex function: Diagrammatic parametrization and algorithmic implementation

N Wentzell, G Li, A Tagliavini, C Taranto, G Rohringer… - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
Vertex functions are a crucial ingredient of several forefront many-body algorithms in
condensed matter physics. However, the full treatment of their frequency and momentum …