Time-resolved stagnation temperature measurements in hypersonic flows using surface junction thermocouples
Fast-response coaxial surface junction thermocouples have been used to measure time-
resolved stagnation temperature of the Mach 6 flow produced by the University of Southern …
resolved stagnation temperature of the Mach 6 flow produced by the University of Southern …
Commissioning of the Oxford high density tunnel (HDT) for boundary layer instability measurements at Mach 7
H personic boundary layer transition is a field that is of utmost importance when considering
the performance and survivability of hypersonic vehicles. The vehicle drag, surface heat …
the performance and survivability of hypersonic vehicles. The vehicle drag, surface heat …
Analysis of reentry and break-up forces from impulse facility experiments and numerical rebuilding
This paper shows new findings for the break-up of large spacecraft during reentry into
Earth's atmosphere. The break-up scenario at high altitude drives the ground impact area for …
Earth's atmosphere. The break-up scenario at high altitude drives the ground impact area for …
Efficient uncertainty quantification for a hypersonic trailing-edge flap, using gradient-enhanced kriging
We present a numerical study on the uncertainty quantification (UQ) of aerodynamic forces
acting on a hypersonic trailing-edge flap model, as a result of input uncertainties in the …
acting on a hypersonic trailing-edge flap model, as a result of input uncertainties in the …
Experimental Assessment of Hypersonic Convective Heat Transfer Augmentation due to Surface Roughness
Although engineering correlations exist for the effects of small-scale roughness on heat
transfer and shear stress, the complexity of flow physics for elements whose height exceeds …
transfer and shear stress, the complexity of flow physics for elements whose height exceeds …
Influence of hypersonic fluid-structure interaction on the control authority of a trailing-edge flap
This paper describes the numerical and experimental investigation of rigid and compliant
hypersonic control flaps undergoing fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The purpose of the …
hypersonic control flaps undergoing fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The purpose of the …
Hypersonic wind-tunnel free-flying experiments with onboard instrumentation
Hypersonic wind-tunnel testing with “free-flight” models unconnected to a sting ensures that
sting/wake flow interactions do not compromise aerodynamic coefficient measurements. The …
sting/wake flow interactions do not compromise aerodynamic coefficient measurements. The …
Temperature and heat flux measurement on hot models in short-duration facilities
An electrical preheating technique applied to a carbon-based model in an impulse facility
has previously demonstrated surface temperatures around 2500 K, but the measurement of …
has previously demonstrated surface temperatures around 2500 K, but the measurement of …
Investigating endo-atmospheric separation of a hypersonic flyer-sustainer using wind tunnel based free-flight
While atmospheric flight-testing is the only indisputable way to demonstrate the technical
feasibility of a flight-vehicle design, the risks of this relatively expensive exercise are …
feasibility of a flight-vehicle design, the risks of this relatively expensive exercise are …
Refurbishment and Characterisation of the Oxford Low Density Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
In the study of atmospheric entry, one of the most challenging environments to model is the
lower phase of the transition regime between free molecular and continuum behaviour. This …
lower phase of the transition regime between free molecular and continuum behaviour. This …