Energy management strategies, control systems, and artificial intelligence-based algorithms development for hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles: A review
Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (HFCEVs) are gaining revived attention due to the
HFCEVs promising potential as important syndicates to net zero carbon emission …
HFCEVs promising potential as important syndicates to net zero carbon emission …
Environmental aspects of fuel cells: A review
Fossil fuels represent the primary energy supply utilized worldwide. Despite this, fossil fuels
are both limited resources and have severe environmental impacts that result in climate …
are both limited resources and have severe environmental impacts that result in climate …
Transport (Chapter 10)
Meeting climate mitigation goals would require transformative changes in the transport
sector (high confidence). In 2019, direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport …
sector (high confidence). In 2019, direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport …
Dynamic simulation and lifecycle assessment of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles considering various hydrogen production methods
In this research study, a real model of a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is simulated using
Simcenter Amesim software. The software used for vehicle simulation enabled dynamic …
Simcenter Amesim software. The software used for vehicle simulation enabled dynamic …
Environmental and energy efficiency assessments of offshore hydrogen supply chains utilizing compressed gaseous hydrogen, liquefied hydrogen, liquid organic …
H Noh, K Kang, Y Seo - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Hydrogen has emerged as an eco-friendly energy to replace fossil fuels. But, it is difficult to
store large capacity and to transport long distance due to a low volumetric energy density. In …
store large capacity and to transport long distance due to a low volumetric energy density. In …
A critical review on unmanned aerial vehicles power supply and energy management: Solutions, strategies, and prospects
The interest in electric unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is rapidly growing in recent years.
The reason is that UAVs have abilities to perform some difficult or dangerous tasks, with high …
The reason is that UAVs have abilities to perform some difficult or dangerous tasks, with high …
[HTML][HTML] Platinum group metals: A review of resources, production and usage with a focus on catalysts
The major applications of PGMs are as catalysts in automotive industry, petroleum refining,
environmental (gas remediation), industrial chemical production (eg, ammonia production …
environmental (gas remediation), industrial chemical production (eg, ammonia production …
A systematic review on sustainability assessment of electric vehicles: Knowledge gaps and future perspectives
Electric mobility is emerging all around the world to minimize environmental impacts, reduce
dependency on petroleum, and diversify energy sources for transportation. Any emerging …
dependency on petroleum, and diversify energy sources for transportation. Any emerging …
Life cycle assessment of H2O electrolysis technologies
Hydrogen produced from H 2 O electrolysis works as an energy carrier and helps to
overcome the challenges of intermittent renewable energy sources. At present, no …
overcome the challenges of intermittent renewable energy sources. At present, no …
Carbon nanotube (CNT) modified carbon fiber/epoxy composite plates for the PEM fuel cell bipolar plate application
Light structures of the composite materials are prominent outcomes for reducing the total
stack weight. However, the poor electrical properties of the composite structures pose an …
stack weight. However, the poor electrical properties of the composite structures pose an …