" Help Me Help the AI": Understanding How Explainability Can Support Human-AI Interaction
Despite the proliferation of explainable AI (XAI) methods, little is understood about end-
users' explainability needs and behaviors around XAI explanations. To address this gap and …
users' explainability needs and behaviors around XAI explanations. To address this gap and …
Multi-dimensional concept discovery (MCD): A unifying framework with completeness guarantees
The completeness axiom renders the explanation of a post-hoc XAI method only locally
faithful to the model, ie for a single decision. For the trustworthy application of XAI, in …
faithful to the model, ie for a single decision. For the trustworthy application of XAI, in …
Backpack language models
We present Backpacks: a new neural architecture that marries strong modeling performance
with an interface for interpretability and control. Backpacks learn multiple non-contextual …
with an interface for interpretability and control. Backpacks learn multiple non-contextual …
N $\textA^\text2 $ Q: Neural Attention Additive Model for Interpretable Multi-Agent Q-Learning
Value decomposition is widely used in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning,
however, its implicit credit assignment mechanism is not yet fully understood due to black …
however, its implicit credit assignment mechanism is not yet fully understood due to black …
Curve your enthusiasm: concurvity regularization in differentiable generalized additive models
Abstract Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) have recently experienced a resurgence in
popularity due to their interpretability, which arises from expressing the target value as a …
popularity due to their interpretability, which arises from expressing the target value as a …
GRAND-SLAMIN'Interpretable Additive Modeling with Structural Constraints
Abstract Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) are a family of flexible and interpretable
models with old roots in statistics. GAMs are often used with pairwise interactions to improve …
models with old roots in statistics. GAMs are often used with pairwise interactions to improve …
Pseudo-class part prototype networks for interpretable breast cancer classification
Interpretability in machine learning has become increasingly important as machine learning
is being used in more and more applications, including those with high-stakes …
is being used in more and more applications, including those with high-stakes …
Cat: Interpretable concept-based taylor additive models
As an emerging interpretable technique, Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) adopt neural
networks to individually learn non-linear functions for each feature, which are then combined …
networks to individually learn non-linear functions for each feature, which are then combined …
Neural additive models for location scale and shape: A framework for interpretable neural regression beyond the mean
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have proven to be highly effective in a variety of tasks,
making them the go-to method for problems requiring high-level predictive power. Despite …
making them the go-to method for problems requiring high-level predictive power. Despite …
A Comprehensive Survey on Self-Interpretable Neural Networks
Neural networks have achieved remarkable success across various fields. However, the
lack of interpretability limits their practical use, particularly in critical decision-making …
lack of interpretability limits their practical use, particularly in critical decision-making …