Oblidb: Oblivious query processing for secure databases

S Eskandarian, M Zaharia - arxiv preprint arxiv:1710.00458, 2017 - arxiv.org
Hardware enclaves such as Intel SGX are a promising technology for improving the security
of databases outsourced to the cloud. These enclaves provide an execution environment …

Snoopy: Surpassing the scalability bottleneck of oblivious storage

E Dauterman, V Fang, I Demertzis, N Crooks… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Existing oblivious storage systems provide strong security by hiding access patterns, but do
not scale to sustain high throughput as they rely on a central point of coordination. To …

Sgxonerated: Finding (and partially fixing) privacy flaws in tee-based smart contract platforms without breaking the tee

N Jean-Louis, Y Li, Y Ji, H Malvai, T Yurek… - Proceedings on …, 2024 - petsymposium.org
TEE-based smart contracts are an emerging blockchain architecture, offering fully
programmable privacy with better performance than alternatives like secure multiparty …

Building enclave-native storage engines for practical encrypted databases

Y Sun, S Wang, H Li, F Li - Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Data confidentiality is one of the biggest concerns that hinders enterprise customers from
moving their workloads to the cloud. Thanks to the trusted execution environment (TEE), it is …

Graphos: Towards oblivious graph processing

JG Chamani, I Demertzis, D Papadopoulos… - Cryptology ePrint …, 2024 - eprint.iacr.org
We propose GraphOS, a system that allows a client that owns a graph database to
outsource it to an untrusted server for storage and querying. It relies on doubly-oblivious …

Towards Practical Oblivious Map

X Cao, W Feng, J Liu, J Zhou, W Fang… - Cryptology ePrint …, 2024 - eprint.iacr.org
Oblivious map (OMAP) is an important component in encrypted databases, utilized to
safeguard against the server inferring sensitive information about client's encrypted key …

BlackJack: Secure machine learning on IoT devices through hardware-based shuffling

K Ganesan, M Fishkin, O Lin, NE Jerger - arxiv preprint arxiv:2310.17804, 2023 - arxiv.org
Neural networks are seeing increased use in diverse Internet of Things (IoT) applications
such as healthcare, smart homes and industrial monitoring. Their widespread use makes …

Preserving access pattern privacy in sgx-assisted encrypted search

S Cui, S Belguith, M Zhang, MR Asghar… - 2018 27th …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Outsourcing sensitive data and operations to untrusted cloud providers is considered a
challenging issue. To perform a search operation, even if both the data and the query are …

[PDF][PDF] Oblidb: Oblivious query processing using hardware enclaves

S Eskandarian, M Zaharia - arxiv preprint arxiv:1710.00458, 2017 - crypto.stanford.edu
ObliDB protects against an attacker with full control of the OS who can:● Read and tamper
with all of untrusted memory● Pause and resume enclave execution● Observe access …

PDoT: private DNS-over-TLS with TEE support

Y Nakatsuka, A Paverd, G Tsudik - Digital Threats: Research and …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Security and privacy of the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) have been longstanding
concerns. Recently, there is a trend to protect DNS traffic using Transport Layer Security …