A comparison of model reduction techniques from structural dynamics, numerical mathematics and systems and control
In this paper, popular model reduction techniques from the fields of structural dynamics,
numerical mathematics and systems and control are reviewed and compared. The …
numerical mathematics and systems and control are reviewed and compared. The …
Reviewing thermal-monitoring techniques for smart power modules
The increasing demand for higher power device utilization and reliability in power electronic
systems is driving the integration of condition monitoring and active control in power …
systems is driving the integration of condition monitoring and active control in power …
[BOK][B] Essentials of robust control
Robustness of control systems to disturbances and uncertainties has always been the
central issue in feedback control. Feedback would not be needed for most control systems if …
central issue in feedback control. Feedback would not be needed for most control systems if …
[BOK][B] Approximation of large-scale dynamical systems
AC Antoulas - 2005 - SIAM
In today's technological world, physical and artificial processes are mainly described by
mathematical models, which can be used for simulation or control. These processes are …
mathematical models, which can be used for simulation or control. These processes are …
[BOK][B] Subspace methods for system identification
T Katayama - 2005 - Springer
Part I deals with the mathematical preliminaries: numerical linear algebra; system theory;
stochastic processes; and Kalman filtering. Part II explains realization theory as applied to …
stochastic processes; and Kalman filtering. Part II explains realization theory as applied to …
[BOK][B] Robust control design with MATLAB®
DW Gu, P Petkov, MM Konstantinov - 2005 - books.google.com
Robustness is often of crucial importance in control system design. Real engineering
systems are vulnerable to external disturbance and measurement noise and there are …
systems are vulnerable to external disturbance and measurement noise and there are …
A survey of model reduction by balanced truncation and some new results
Balanced truncation is one of the most common model reduction schemes. In this note, we
present a survey of balancing related model reduction methods and their corresponding …
present a survey of balancing related model reduction methods and their corresponding …
[PDF][PDF] A survey of model reduction methods for large-scale systems
An overview of model reduction methods and a comparison of the resulting algorithms is
presented. These approaches are divided into two broad categories, namely SVD based …
presented. These approaches are divided into two broad categories, namely SVD based …
Reduced-order small-signal model of microgrid systems
The objective of this study was to develop a reduce-dorder small-signal model of a microgrid
system capable of operating in both the grid-tied and the islanded conditions. The nonlinear …
system capable of operating in both the grid-tied and the islanded conditions. The nonlinear …
[BOK][B] Model reduction for control system design
G Obinata, BDO Anderson - 2012 - books.google.com
Modern methods of filter design and controller design often yield systems of very high order,
posing a problem for their implementation. Over the past two decades or so, sophisticated …
posing a problem for their implementation. Over the past two decades or so, sophisticated …