A systematic review of the land use change effects on ant diversity in Neotropics
Land use changes represent one of the leading causes of terrestrial biodiversity loss,
particularly in tropical ecosystems. In Brazil, a country that encompasses six distinct biomes …
particularly in tropical ecosystems. In Brazil, a country that encompasses six distinct biomes …
Landscape changes in the Cerrado: Challenges of land clearing, fragmentation and land tenure for biological conservation
Land clearing, low levels of protection, and high biodiversity make the Brazilian Cerrado a
hotspot for biological conservation. However, one of the most active agricultural frontiers in …
hotspot for biological conservation. However, one of the most active agricultural frontiers in …
[HTML][HTML] An overview of the ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the state of Maranhão, Brazil
The state of Maranhão, located in northeastern Brazil, comprises three biomes: Amazonian,
Caatinga, and the Cerrado. To date, 99 ant species have been recorded in the literature …
Caatinga, and the Cerrado. To date, 99 ant species have been recorded in the literature …
Cerrado vegetation types determine how land use impacts ant biodiversity
The simplification of native habitats leads to biodiversity decline in tropical terrestrial
ecosystems. We evaluated how conversion of three types of native Cerrado vegetation …
ecosystems. We evaluated how conversion of three types of native Cerrado vegetation …
Cerrado to rupestrian grasslands: patterns of species distribution and the forces sha** them along an altitudinal gradient
Due to clear variations in a relatively small area, mountains represent natural laboratories
for evolutionary and ecological studies. In a large degree, these variations are driven by …
for evolutionary and ecological studies. In a large degree, these variations are driven by …
Ants of three adjacent habitats of a transition region between the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes: the effects of heterogeneity and variation in canopy cover
Habitat heterogeneity and complexity associated with variations in climatic conditions are
important factors determining the structure of ant communities in different terrestrial …
important factors determining the structure of ant communities in different terrestrial …
Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as bioindicators in the Brazilian Savanna
Abstract The Brazilian Savanna is threatened mainly by the expansion of agriculture and
livestock. Regarding environmental problems, habitat loss in the biome and the need to …
livestock. Regarding environmental problems, habitat loss in the biome and the need to …
Edge effects decrease ant-derived benefits to seedlings in a neotropical savanna
Edge effects may lead to changes in mutualistic plant–animal interactions, such as seed
dispersal, that are critical to plant regeneration. However, research into edge effects is …
dispersal, that are critical to plant regeneration. However, research into edge effects is …
How to prioritize areas for new ant surveys? Integrating historical data on species occurrence records and habitat loss
Habitat loss is a leading cause of extinctions, which may occur even before species are
recorded or formally described. On the other hand, limitations in species distribution data …
recorded or formally described. On the other hand, limitations in species distribution data …
The relative roles of habitat heterogeneity and disturbance in drosophilid assemblages (D iptera, D rosophilidae) in the C errado
Abstract The Brazilian Cerrado, a vegetation mosaic considered to be a unique savannah
hotspot, contains a great diversity of insects. It is uncertain how communities of insects in the …
hotspot, contains a great diversity of insects. It is uncertain how communities of insects in the …