A systematic review of the land use change effects on ant diversity in Neotropics

I Wilker, ACM Queiroz, CR Ribas, MSC Morini… - Biological …, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Land use changes represent one of the leading causes of terrestrial biodiversity loss,
particularly in tropical ecosystems. In Brazil, a country that encompasses six distinct biomes …

Landscape changes in the Cerrado: Challenges of land clearing, fragmentation and land tenure for biological conservation

J Pompeu, TO Assis, JP Ometto - Science of The Total Environment, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Land clearing, low levels of protection, and high biodiversity make the Brazilian Cerrado a
hotspot for biological conservation. However, one of the most active agricultural frontiers in …

[HTML][HTML] An overview of the ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the state of Maranhão, Brazil

LP Prado, RM Feitosa, SP Triana… - Papéis Avulsos de …, 2019‏ - SciELO Brasil
The state of Maranhão, located in northeastern Brazil, comprises three biomes: Amazonian,
Caatinga, and the Cerrado. To date, 99 ant species have been recorded in the literature …

Cerrado vegetation types determine how land use impacts ant biodiversity

ACM de Queiroz, AM Rabello, DL Braga… - Biodiversity and …, 2020‏ - Springer
The simplification of native habitats leads to biodiversity decline in tropical terrestrial
ecosystems. We evaluated how conversion of three types of native Cerrado vegetation …

Cerrado to rupestrian grasslands: patterns of species distribution and the forces sha** them along an altitudinal gradient

GW Fernandes, HA Almeida, CA Nunes… - … and conservation of …, 2016‏ - Springer
Due to clear variations in a relatively small area, mountains represent natural laboratories
for evolutionary and ecological studies. In a large degree, these variations are driven by …

Ants of three adjacent habitats of a transition region between the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes: the effects of heterogeneity and variation in canopy cover

FS Neves, KS Queiroz-Dantas, WD Da Rocha… - Neotropical …, 2013‏ - Springer
Habitat heterogeneity and complexity associated with variations in climatic conditions are
important factors determining the structure of ant communities in different terrestrial …

Review of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as bioindicators in the Brazilian Savanna

M Tibcherani, VAF Nacagava, R Aranda, RL Mello - Sociobiology, 2018‏ - ojs3.uefs.br
Abstract The Brazilian Savanna is threatened mainly by the expansion of agriculture and
livestock. Regarding environmental problems, habitat loss in the biome and the need to …

Edge effects decrease ant-derived benefits to seedlings in a neotropical savanna

AV Christianini, PS Oliveira - Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2013‏ - Springer
Edge effects may lead to changes in mutualistic plant–animal interactions, such as seed
dispersal, that are critical to plant regeneration. However, research into edge effects is …

How to prioritize areas for new ant surveys? Integrating historical data on species occurrence records and habitat loss

R Divieso, A Rorato, RM Feitosa, ALS Meyer… - Journal of Insect …, 2020‏ - Springer
Habitat loss is a leading cause of extinctions, which may occur even before species are
recorded or formally described. On the other hand, limitations in species distribution data …

The relative roles of habitat heterogeneity and disturbance in drosophilid assemblages (D iptera, D rosophilidae) in the C errado

R Alves Da Mata, R Tidon - Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Brazilian Cerrado, a vegetation mosaic considered to be a unique savannah
hotspot, contains a great diversity of insects. It is uncertain how communities of insects in the …