The quasi‐biennial oscillation
The quasi‐biennial oscillation (QBO) dominates the variability of the equatorial stratosphere
(∼ 16–50 km) and is easily seen as downward propagating easterly and westerly wind …
(∼ 16–50 km) and is easily seen as downward propagating easterly and westerly wind …
[Књига][B] Middle atmosphere dynamics
DG Andrews, CB Leovy, JR Holton - 1987 - books.google.com
For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in atmospheric, oceanic,
and climate science, Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics is an introductory textbook …
and climate science, Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics is an introductory textbook …
[Књига][B] Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics
GK Vallis - 2017 - books.google.com
The atmosphere and ocean are two of the most important components of the climate system,
and fluid dynamics is central to our understanding of both. This book provides a unified and …
and fluid dynamics is central to our understanding of both. This book provides a unified and …
Convectively coupled equatorial waves: Analysis of clouds and temperature in the wavenumber–frequency domain
A wavenumber-frequency spectrum analysis is performed for all longitudes in the domain
15° S–15° N using a long (∼ 18 years) twice-daily record of satellite-observed outgoing …
15° S–15° N using a long (∼ 18 years) twice-daily record of satellite-observed outgoing …
Zonal and vertical structure of the Madden–Julian oscillation
GN Kiladis, KH Straub… - Journal of the atmospheric …, 2005 - journals.ametsoc.org
A statistical study of the three-dimensional structure of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO)
is carried out by projecting dynamical fields from reanalysis and radiosonde data onto space …
is carried out by projecting dynamical fields from reanalysis and radiosonde data onto space …
Large-scale dynamical fields associated with convectively coupled equatorial waves
Convectively coupled equatorial waves, as previously detected in studies of wavenumber-
frequency spectra of tropical clouds, are studied in more detail. Composite dynamical …
frequency spectra of tropical clouds, are studied in more detail. Composite dynamical …
A model of the quasi‐biennial oscillation on an equatorial beta‐plane
RA Plumb, RC Bell - Quarterly Journal of the Royal …, 1982 - Wiley Online Library
An equatorial beta‐plane model of equatorial wave‐mean flow interaction in the lower
stratosphere is described. Kelvin and mixed Rossby‐gravity waves generated by a specified …
stratosphere is described. Kelvin and mixed Rossby‐gravity waves generated by a specified …
Super‐rotation and diffusion of axial angular momentum: II. A review of quasi‐axisymmetric models of planetary atmospheres
PL Read - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 1986 - Wiley Online Library
The role of angular momentum quasi‐conservation in generating and maintaining
axisymmetric flows characterized by a net global and/or local super‐rotation is reviewed …
axisymmetric flows characterized by a net global and/or local super‐rotation is reviewed …
Planetary-scale waves and the cyclic nature of cloud top dynamics on Venus
Pioneer Venus OCPP ultraviolet images spanning eight years have been analyzed
objectively to derive quantitative information on the properties of planetary-scale wave …
objectively to derive quantitative information on the properties of planetary-scale wave …
Evidence for equatorial Kelvin modes in Nimbus-7 LIMS
ML Salby, DL Hartmann, PL Bailey… - Journal of Atmospheric …, 1984 - journals.ametsoc.org
Eastward propagating disturbances over the equator are diagnosed in two independent
Nimbus-7 LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) data sets. They are evident …
Nimbus-7 LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) data sets. They are evident …