Multi-model meteorological and aeolian predictions for Mars 2020 and the Jezero crater region
CE Newman, M de la Torre Juárez, J Pla-García… - Space Science …, 2021 - Springer
Nine simulations are used to predict the meteorology and aeolian activity of the Mars 2020
landing site region. Predicted seasonal variations of pressure and surface and atmospheric …
landing site region. Predicted seasonal variations of pressure and surface and atmospheric …
Results from InSight robotic arm activities
M Golombek, T Hudson, P Bailey, N Balabanska… - Space Science …, 2023 - Springer
The InSight lander carried an Instrument Deployment System (IDS) that included an
Instrument Deployment Arm (IDA), scoop, five finger “claw” grapple, forearm-mounted …
Instrument Deployment Arm (IDA), scoop, five finger “claw” grapple, forearm-mounted …
The dynamic atmospheric and aeolian environment of Jezero crater, Mars
Despite the importance of sand and dust to Mars geomorphology, weather, and exploration,
the processes that move sand and that raise dust to maintain Mars' ubiquitous dust haze and …
the processes that move sand and that raise dust to maintain Mars' ubiquitous dust haze and …
Lander and rover histories of dust accumulation on and removal from solar arrays on Mars
The degradation in electrical output of solar arrays on Mars landers and rovers is reviewed.
A loss of 0.2% per Sol is typical, although observed rates of decrease in 'dust factor'vary …
A loss of 0.2% per Sol is typical, although observed rates of decrease in 'dust factor'vary …
Winds at the Mars 2020 landing site: 1. Near‐surface wind patterns at Jezero crater
This is the first part of a two‐part paper. NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover measured
winds on the Jezero crater floor close to the delta of an ancient river. A mostly repeatable …
winds on the Jezero crater floor close to the delta of an ancient river. A mostly repeatable …
In situ and orbital stratigraphic characterization of the InSight landing site—A type example of a regolith‐covered lava plain on Mars
NH Warner, MP Golombek, V Ansan… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The InSight lander rests on a regolith‐covered, Hesperian to Early Amazonian lava plain in
Elysium Planitia within a∼ 27‐m‐diameter, degraded impact crater called Homestead …
Elysium Planitia within a∼ 27‐m‐diameter, degraded impact crater called Homestead …
Dust lifting through surface albedo changes at Jezero crater, Mars
We identify temporal variations in surface albedo at Jezero crater using first‐of‐their‐kind
high‐cadence in‐situ measurements of reflected shortwave radiation during the first 350 …
high‐cadence in‐situ measurements of reflected shortwave radiation during the first 350 …
Winds at the Mars 2020 landing site. 2. Wind variability and turbulence
D Viúdez‐Moreiras, M De La Torre… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Wind speeds measured by the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater were fitted as
a Weibull distribution. InSight wind data acquired in Elysium Planitia were also used to …
a Weibull distribution. InSight wind data acquired in Elysium Planitia were also used to …
Mars' external magnetic field as seen from the surface with InSight
The magnetometer of the InSight mission operated on the Martian surface from November
2018 until May 2022. Previously, satellites have provided information on the Martian …
2018 until May 2022. Previously, satellites have provided information on the Martian …
Wind and turbulence observations with the Mars microphone on Perseverance
Abstract We utilize SuperCam's Mars microphone to provide information on wind speed and
turbulence at high frequencies on Mars. To do so, we first demonstrate the sensitivity of the …
turbulence at high frequencies on Mars. To do so, we first demonstrate the sensitivity of the …