Emotional expressions reconsidered: Challenges to inferring emotion from human facial movements
It is commonly assumed that a person's emotional state can be readily inferred from his or
her facial movements, typically called emotional expressions or facial expressions. This …
her facial movements, typically called emotional expressions or facial expressions. This …
Not your garden (hose) variety emotion: An integrative review of the flows of anger and a path forward
Our integrative review of anger in organizational life uncovered four organizing dimensions
to understanding and productively managing the life cycle of anger: roles in an anger …
to understanding and productively managing the life cycle of anger: roles in an anger …
Children's expressions of positive emotion are sustained by smiling, touching, and playing with parents and siblings: A naturalistic observational study of family life.
Research on family socialization of positive emotion has primarily focused on the infant and
toddler stages of development, and relied on observations of parent–child interactions in …
toddler stages of development, and relied on observations of parent–child interactions in …
Measurement reactivity and fatigue effects in daily diary research with families.
Methodological challenges associated with measurement reactivity and fatigue were
addressed using diary data collected from mothers (n= 47), fathers (n= 39), and children (n …
addressed using diary data collected from mothers (n= 47), fathers (n= 39), and children (n …
Families under the microscope: Repeated sampling of perceptions, experiences, biology, and behavior
Families are not frozen dioramas; they are alive, active, and changing. Models of real‐life
marital and family processes require many moving pieces. An intensive repeated measures …
marital and family processes require many moving pieces. An intensive repeated measures …
Short‐term resilience processes in the family
The authors review naturalistic studies of short‐term processes that appear to promote
resilience in children in the context of everyday family life and argue that warm and …
resilience in children in the context of everyday family life and argue that warm and …
Adversity and emotional functioning
Exposure to early adversity has been linked to variations in emotional functioning. To date,
however, the precise nature of these variations has been difficult to pinpoint given …
however, the precise nature of these variations has been difficult to pinpoint given …
Theories of emotional development: Where have we been and where are we now?
In this chapter, we review several theories of emotional development. For each, we address
definitions and basic tenets, we ask what “develops” and how emotions change with age …
definitions and basic tenets, we ask what “develops” and how emotions change with age …
The longitudinal contributions of child language, negative emotionality, and maternal positive affect on toddler executive functioning development
Executive functions (EF) develop rapidly across early childhood and play a prominent role in
promoting adaptive outcomes later in development. Although the existing literature suggests …
promoting adaptive outcomes later in development. Although the existing literature suggests …
Children's whining in family interaction
Children's whining is identified in extracts of video-recorded social interaction at home with
siblings, parents, and other family.“Whining” is primarily a vernacular category, but it can be …
siblings, parents, and other family.“Whining” is primarily a vernacular category, but it can be …