Recommender systems leveraging multimedia content
Recommender systems have become a popular and effective means to manage the ever-
increasing amount of multimedia content available today and to help users discover …
increasing amount of multimedia content available today and to help users discover …
Intelligent tourism recommender systems: A survey
Recommender systems are currently being applied in many different domains. This paper
focuses on their application in tourism. A comprehensive and thorough search of the smart e …
focuses on their application in tourism. A comprehensive and thorough search of the smart e …
An emotional recommender system for music
Nowadays, recommender systems have become essential to users for finding “what they
need” within large collections of items. Meanwhile, recent studies have demonstrated as …
need” within large collections of items. Meanwhile, recent studies have demonstrated as …
Multimedia recommender systems: Algorithms and challenges
This chapter studies state-of-the-art research related to multimedia recommender systems
(MMRS), focusing on methods that integrate multimedia content as side information to …
(MMRS), focusing on methods that integrate multimedia content as side information to …
Big data meets digital cultural heritage: Design and implementation of scrabs, a smart context-aware browsing assistant for cultural environments
Information and Communication Technologies have radically changed the modern Cultural
Heritage scenery: Simple traditional Information Systems supporting the management of …
Heritage scenery: Simple traditional Information Systems supporting the management of …