[کتاب][B] Markets in the making: Rethinking competition, goods, and innovation

M Callon - 2021‏ - books.google.com
Slicing through blunt theories of supply and demand, Callon presents a rigorously
researched but counterintuitive model of how everyday market activity gets produced. If …

Revisiting marketization: from interface-markets to market-agencements

M Callon - Consumption Markets & Culture, 2016‏ - Taylor & Francis
This article proposes to get rid of the vain opposition between markets as de-socializing
forces and markets as civilizing processes by exploring the close relationship between …

[کتاب][B] The Routledge companion to actor-network theory

A Blok, I Farías, C Roberts - 2020‏ - library.oapen.org
This companion explores ANT as an intellectual practice, tracking its movements and
engagements with a wide range of other academic and activist projects. Showcasing the …

From market agencements to market agencing: an introduction

F Cochoy, P Trompette, L Araujo - Consumption Markets & Culture, 2016‏ - Taylor & Francis
This special issue features a collection of papers that explore the notions of “market
agencements” and “market agencing,” recently introduced in market studies, and reflect on …

Of principle and principal: Value plurality in the market of impact investing

E Barman - Valuation Studies, 2015‏ - valuationstudies.liu.se
Impact investing-investment with the intentional expectation of social or environmental
impact alongside financial return-constitutes one of a growing array of “concerned markets” …

Digitalizing consumer society: equipment and devices of digital consumption

F Cochoy, C Licoppe, MP McIntyre… - Journal of Cultural …, 2020‏ - Taylor & Francis
This special issue of the Journal of Cultural Economy focuses on the digitalization of
consumption and its social, cultural, ethical, political, and gendered implications. It thus …

No one rides for free! Three styles of collaborative consumption

H Guyader - Journal of Services Marketing, 2018‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to focus on collaborative consumption, that is, the peer-to-peer
(P2P) exchange of goods and services facilitated by online platforms. Anchored in the …

The organization of markets for collective concerns and their failures

C Frankel, J Ossandón, T Pallesen - Economy and Society, 2019‏ - Taylor & Francis
This special issue introduces a new object of analysis: the organization of markets for
collective concerns and their failures. This paper discusses how the study of this new object …

[کتاب][B] Urban cosmopolitics: agencements, assemblies, atmospheres

A Blok, I Farías - 2016‏ - api.taylorfrancis.com
Invoking the notion of 'cosmopolitics' from Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers, this volume
shows how and why cities constitute privileged sites for studying the search for and …

A market of black boxes: The political economy of Internet surveillance and censorship in Russia

K Ermoshina, B Loveluck, F Musiani - Journal of Information …, 2022‏ - Taylor & Francis
In recent years, the Russian Internet has developed according to strong centralizing and
State-controlling tendencies, both in terms of legal instruments and technical infrastructure …