Many-body physics with ultracold gases

I Bloch, J Dalibard, W Zwerger - Reviews of modern physics, 2008‏ - APS
This paper reviews recent experimental and theoretical progress concerning many-body
phenomena in dilute, ultracold gases. It focuses on effects beyond standard weak-coupling …

Engineering novel optical lattices

P Windpassinger, K Sengstock - Reports on progress in physics, 2013‏ -
Optical lattices have developed into a widely used and highly recognized tool to study many-
body quantum physics with special relevance for solid state type systems. One of the most …

Identifying quantum phase transitions using artificial neural networks on experimental data

BS Rem, N Käming, M Tarnowski, L Asteria… - Nature Physics, 2019‏ -
Abstract Machine-learning techniques such as artificial neural networks are currently
revolutionizing many technological areas and have also proven successful in quantum …

[ספר][B] Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices: Simulating quantum many-body systems

M Lewenstein, A Sanpera, V Ahufinger - 2012‏ -
Quantum computers, though not yet available on the market, will revolutionize the future of
information processing. Quantum computers for special purposes like quantum simulators …

Ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices: mimicking condensed matter physics and beyond

M Lewenstein, A Sanpera, V Ahufinger… - Advances in …, 2007‏ - Taylor & Francis
We review recent developments in the physics of ultracold atomic and molecular gases in
optical lattices. Such systems are nearly perfect realisations of various kinds of Hubbard …

Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms

C Braun, R Saint-Jalm, A Hesse, J Arceri, I Bloch… - Nature Physics, 2024‏ -
The bulk–boundary correspondence, a fundamental principle relating the topological
invariants of the bulk to the presence of edge states, is modified in periodically driven …

Observation of correlated particle-hole pairs and string order in low-dimensional Mott insulators

M Endres, M Cheneau, T Fukuhara, C Weitenberg… - Science, 2011‏ -
Quantum phases of matter are characterized by the underlying correlations of the many-
body system. Although this is typically captured by a local order parameter, it has been …

[ספר][B] Ultracold quantum fields

HTC Stoof, KB Gubbels, D Dickerscheid - 2009‏ - Springer
On June 19th 1999, the European Ministers of Education signed the Bologna Declaration,
with which they agreed that the European university education should be uniformized …

Ultracold quantum gases in triangular optical lattices

C Becker, P Soltan-Panahi, J Kronjaeger… - New Journal of …, 2010‏ -
Over recent years, exciting developments in the field of ultracold atoms confined in optical
lattices have led to numerous theoretical proposals devoted to the quantum simulation of …

Mott-insulator transition in a two-dimensional atomic Bose gas

IB Spielman, WD Phillips, JV Porto - Physical review letters, 2007‏ - APS
Cold atoms in periodic potentials are versatile quantum systems for implementing simple
models prevalent in condensed matter theory. Here we realize the 2D Bose-Hubbard model …