Development and challenges of nonlinear dynamic modeling and stabilization control of mobile firing guns
Y Chen, M **e, X Zou, J Liu - Proceedings of the Institution of …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The ambiguous vibration characteristics of guns under multi-source strong excitations are
the key technical bottlenecks that restrict the development of mobile firing guns with high …
the key technical bottlenecks that restrict the development of mobile firing guns with high …
[HTML][HTML] Study on performance degradation and failure analysis of machine gun barrel
X Li, L Mu, Y Zang, Q Qin - Defence Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
An increase in the use of the gun barrel will cause wear of the inner wall, which reduces the
muzzle velocity and the spin rate of the projectile. The off-bore flight attitude and trajectory of …
muzzle velocity and the spin rate of the projectile. The off-bore flight attitude and trajectory of …
[PDF][PDF] Heat Transfer Modelling and Simulation of a 120 mm Smoothbore Gun Barrel During Interior Ballistics.
Ç Susantez, AB Caldeira - Defence Science Journal, 2022 - core.ac.uk
Understanding the heat transfer phenomenon during interior ballistics and consequently
presenting a realistic model is very important to predict the temperature distribution inside …
presenting a realistic model is very important to predict the temperature distribution inside …
A survey on the mechanism and countermeasures of low-frequency swaying of high-speed trains caused by aerodynamic loads
C Chang, X Ding, Z Sun, Y Yu, L Zhang - Engineering Applications of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The carbody abnormal vibration has significant impacts on the comfort and safety of high-
speed train. Field measurements were conducted to study the low-frequency swaying of the …
speed train. Field measurements were conducted to study the low-frequency swaying of the …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical investigation of dynamic interaction with projectile and harmonic behaviour for T-finned machine gun barrels
E Chaturvedi - Defence Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Machine gun barrels differ from their rifle counterparts in terms of profile. To support
high rates of sustained fire, machine gun barrels are made thicker in order to dissipate more …
high rates of sustained fire, machine gun barrels are made thicker in order to dissipate more …
Launch dynamics analysis of a grenade machine gun with high muzzle velocity based on the soft recoil technology
J Song, P Si, Z Liao, M Qiu - Journal of Physics: Conference …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
To study the dynamic performance of a grenade machine gun system with soft recoil
technology and analyze the floating mechanism parameters affecting the firing dispersion, a …
technology and analyze the floating mechanism parameters affecting the firing dispersion, a …
Dynamic behaviour of functionally graded Timoshenko beams on a four parameter linear elastic foundation due to a high speed travelling mass with variable …
This study presents a four-parameter linear basis model to analyse and control the dynamic
response of an FGM Timoshenko beam exposed to the accelerating/decelerating mass …
response of an FGM Timoshenko beam exposed to the accelerating/decelerating mass …
M PEKÖKSÜZ, İ KILINÇOĞLU, M KALYONCU - 2022 - researchgate.net
Bu çalışmada namlu harmonik düzenleyicisi (NHD)'nin namlu ağzı konumuna etkisi sayısal
olarak incelenmiştir. Bir silah ateşlendiğinde, hem namlu tabanına çarpan basınçlı gazlar …
olarak incelenmiştir. Bir silah ateşlendiğinde, hem namlu tabanına çarpan basınçlı gazlar …
[HTML][HTML] Исследование влияния колебаний ствола на угол вылета снаряда при выстреле
АМ Липанов, ИГ Русяк, ВГ Суфиянов - … . Математика и механика, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Рассмотрена задача о продольно-поперечных колебаниях ствола артиллерийского
орудия при выстреле в одномерной постановке с учетом начального гравитационного …
орудия при выстреле в одномерной постановке с учетом начального гравитационного …
[PDF][PDF] Bir Namlunun Namlu Ağzi Titreşiminin Modellenmesi ve Analizi, 2
M Peköksüz, H Tellioğlu, İ Kılınçoğlu… - Uluslararası Taşkent …, 2022 - researchgate.net
Bu çalışmada, ateşli bir silahta atış sırasında mermi namlu boyunca hareket ederken, namlu
ağzında meydana gelen titreşim modellenmiş ve sayısal olarak analiz edilmiştir …
ağzında meydana gelen titreşim modellenmiş ve sayısal olarak analiz edilmiştir …