Burden of rare earth elements and trace elements in feathers of magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from the southern Chilean Patagonia
Patagonia is one of the last pristine regions on the southern hemisphere. The impact of rare
earth element (REEs) and trace elements (TEs) in this region have received little attention …
earth element (REEs) and trace elements (TEs) in this region have received little attention …
Integrative assessment of immunity, health-state, growth and survival of Magellanic penguin chicks in a colony exposed to ecotourism
M Cumplido, V D'Amico, M Bertellotti, M Atencio… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Accumulating reports of negative impacts of tourist activities on wildlife emphasize the
importance of closely monitoring focal populations. Although some effects are readily …
importance of closely monitoring focal populations. Although some effects are readily …
First abundance estimates of Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) colony at Tucker Islet
The nesting site of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at Tucker islets (54°
09'S; 70° 17'W), Chile, is documented and information from the first population abundance …
09'S; 70° 17'W), Chile, is documented and information from the first population abundance …
Evaluation of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii and Leptospira spp. in Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) on Magdalena Island, Chile
Toxoplasmosis has been reported in many avian species, but little information is available
from wild penguin populations. Leptospira can infects domestic and wild animals …
from wild penguin populations. Leptospira can infects domestic and wild animals …
[PDF][PDF] Updated distribution and population dynamics of Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus colonies in the Strait of Magellan, Chile.
The Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus exhibits a broad latitudinal distribution in
southern South America. However, the locations of many breeding colonies remain poorly …
southern South America. However, the locations of many breeding colonies remain poorly …
Use and exploitation of channel waters by the black-browed albatross
JA Arata, AR Vila, R Matus, D Droguett, C Silva-Quintas… - Polar Biology, 2014 - Springer
Black-browed albatrosses are the most abundant albatross species of the southern
hemisphere, breeding on sub-Antarctic and Antarctic oceanic islands around the globe …
hemisphere, breeding on sub-Antarctic and Antarctic oceanic islands around the globe …
Distribución de sitios reproductivos de cormoranes Phalacrocorax spp.(Pelecaniformes) en el Estrecho de Magallanes y costas hacia el sur (52-56 S), Chile
A Kusch, M Marín - Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, 2013 - SciELO Chile
Los derroteros de los navegantes en los siglos XVI al XIX (eg., Cunningham, 1871) son los
primeros que registran algunas colonias de aves marinas en el Estrecho de Magallanes …
primeros que registran algunas colonias de aves marinas en el Estrecho de Magallanes …
[PDF][PDF] Distribución reproductiva del cormorán imperial (Phalacrocorax atriceps) en Chile
J Cursach, A Simeone, R Matus, O Soto… - Boletín Chileno de …, 2010 - aveschile.cl
The Imperial Cormorant (Phalacrocorax atriceps) is a endemic seabird of Patagonia.
Despite being one of the most abundant seabird species of channels and fjords of southern …
Despite being one of the most abundant seabird species of channels and fjords of southern …
Holocene coastal environments and processes in subantarctic/temperate cold Tierra del Fuego, Argentina-Chile
GG Bujalesky, GG Bonorino, L Abascal - 2014 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Holocene coastal environments in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, southernmost South
America, evolved in a temperate cold climate characterized by strong and persistent mid …
America, evolved in a temperate cold climate characterized by strong and persistent mid …
[HTML][HTML] Ensamble estacional de aves marinas en la pesquería del palangre artesanal de la merluza austral Merluccius australis, en canales subantárticos de Chile
The fjords and channels of southern Chile represent breeding and feeding areas for sub-
Antarctic seabird species. In addition, in these environments, an important artisanal austral …
Antarctic seabird species. In addition, in these environments, an important artisanal austral …