Complex dynamic systems theory in language learning: A sco** review of 25 years of research
A quarter of a century has passed since complex dynamic systems theory was proposed as
an alternative paradigm to rethink and reexamine some of the main questions and …
an alternative paradigm to rethink and reexamine some of the main questions and …
Multiple Regression in L2 Research: A Methodological Synthesis and Guide to Interpreting R2 Values
Multiple regression is a family of statistics used to investigate the relationship between a set
of predictors and a criterion (dependent) variable. This procedure is applicable in a variety of …
of predictors and a criterion (dependent) variable. This procedure is applicable in a variety of …
Effects of second language pronunciation teaching revisited: A proposed measurement framework and meta‐analysis
We propose a new framework for conceptualizing measures of instructed second language
(L2) pronunciation performance according to three sets of parameters:(a) the constructs …
(L2) pronunciation performance according to three sets of parameters:(a) the constructs …
[หนังสือ][B] Second language acquisition: An introductory course
Now in a fifth edition, this bestselling introductory textbook remains the cornerstone volume
for the study of second language acquisition (SLA). Its chapters have been fully updated …
for the study of second language acquisition (SLA). Its chapters have been fully updated …
[หนังสือ][B] Second language research: Methodology and design
In this second edition of the best-selling Second Language Research, Alison Mackey and
Sue Gass continue to guide students step-by-step through conducting the second language …
Sue Gass continue to guide students step-by-step through conducting the second language …
[หนังสือ][B] The Routledge handbook of research methods in applied linguistics
T McNamara, L Plonsky - 2020 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Description: New York: Taylor and Francis, 2020.| Series: Routledge handbooks in applied
linguistics| Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019031974 …
linguistics| Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019031974 …
A meta-analysis of L2 pragmatics instruction
This chapter deals with a few suggestions for future research on Second language (L2)
pragmatics instruction. EH Jeon and T. Kaya conducted the first meta-analysis on L2 …
pragmatics instruction. EH Jeon and T. Kaya conducted the first meta-analysis on L2 …
[หนังสือ][B] Crosslinguistic influence and second language learning
K McManus - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Crosslinguistic Influence and Second Language Learning provides a comprehensive
overview of what is currently known about prior language knowledge and experience in …
overview of what is currently known about prior language knowledge and experience in …
A typology of secondary research in Applied Linguistics
Secondary research is burgeoning in the field of Applied Linguistics, taking the form of both
narrative literature review and especially more systematic research synthesis. Clearly …
narrative literature review and especially more systematic research synthesis. Clearly …
Scale quality in second-language anxiety and WTC: A methodological synthesis
E Sudina - Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2023 - cambridge.org
As survey research in second language acquisition grows in popularity, the adherence to
best practices associated with questionnaire quality is critical for a better understanding of …
best practices associated with questionnaire quality is critical for a better understanding of …