Geochemistry of subduction zone serpentinites: A review

F Deschamps, M Godard, S Guillot, K Hattori - Lithos, 2013 - Elsevier
Over the last decades, numerous studies have emphasized the role of serpentinites in the
subduction zone geodynamics. Their presence and role in subduction environments are …

The oxidation state, and sulfur and Cu contents of arc magmas: implications for metallogeny

JP Richards - Lithos, 2015 - Elsevier
Global data for measured Fe 2 O 3/FeO ratios and Cu contents in unaltered volcanic and
intrusive arc rocks indicate that, on average, they are slightly more oxidized than other …

Oxygen fugacity across tectonic settings

E Cottrell, SK Birner, M Brounce… - Magma redox …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Experiment and observation have established the centrality of oxygen fugacity (f O 2) to
determining the course of igneous differentiation, and so the development and application of …

Diversity of magmatism, hydrothermal processes and microbial interactions at mid-ocean ridges

GL Früh-Green, DS Kelley, MD Lilley… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2022 -
Hydrothermal circulation and alteration at mid-ocean ridges and ridge flanks have a key role
in regulating seawater chemistry and global chemical fluxes, and support diverse …

Tectonic significance of serpentinites

S Guillot, S Schwartz, B Reynard, P Agard, C Prigent - Tectonophysics, 2015 - Elsevier
At plate boundaries, where deformation is localized along centimetre-to kilometre-scale
shear zones, the influence of serpentinite on tectonic processes is linked to its unique …

Temperature trends for reaction rates, hydrogen generation, and partitioning of iron during experimental serpentinization of olivine

TM McCollom, F Klein, M Robbins, B Moskowitz… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016 - Elsevier
A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to examine how partitioning of Fe among
solid reaction products and rates of H 2 generation vary as a function of temperature during …

Magnetite in seafloor serpentinite—Some like it hot

F Klein, W Bach, SE Humphris, WA Kahl… - …, 2014 -
Serpentinization of mantle peridotite generates molecular hydrogen that can be exploited by
microorganisms to gain metabolic energy; however, the mechanisms that control hydrogen …

Serpentinization and the Formation of H2 and CH4 on Celestial Bodies (Planets, Moons, Comets)

NG Holm, C Oze, O Mousis, JH Waite… - Astrobiology, 2015 -
Serpentinization involves the hydrolysis and transformation of primary ferromagnesian
minerals such as olivine ((Mg, Fe) 2SiO4) and pyroxenes ((Mg, Fe) SiO3) to produce H2-rich …

Mantle wedge oxidation from deserpentinization modulated by sediment-derived fluids

JA Padrón-Navarta, V López Sánchez-Vizcaíno… - Nature …, 2023 -
High-pressure dehydration of serpentinite during subduction generates fluids that flux and
melt the overlying mantle wedge, forming primary arc basalts. These basalts are …

H2 and CH4 outgassing rates in the Samail ophiolite, Oman: implications for low-temperature, continental serpentinization rates

JA Leong, M Nielsen, N McQueen, R Karolytė… - … et Cosmochimica Acta, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Reduced (H 2-and CH 4-rich) and hyperalkaline fluids are products of subsurface
reactions accompanying serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. H 2 and CH 4 produced during …