Geochemistry of subduction zone serpentinites: A review
Over the last decades, numerous studies have emphasized the role of serpentinites in the
subduction zone geodynamics. Their presence and role in subduction environments are …
subduction zone geodynamics. Their presence and role in subduction environments are …
The oxidation state, and sulfur and Cu contents of arc magmas: implications for metallogeny
JP Richards - Lithos, 2015 - Elsevier
Global data for measured Fe 2 O 3/FeO ratios and Cu contents in unaltered volcanic and
intrusive arc rocks indicate that, on average, they are slightly more oxidized than other …
intrusive arc rocks indicate that, on average, they are slightly more oxidized than other …
Oxygen fugacity across tectonic settings
Experiment and observation have established the centrality of oxygen fugacity (f O 2) to
determining the course of igneous differentiation, and so the development and application of …
determining the course of igneous differentiation, and so the development and application of …
Diversity of magmatism, hydrothermal processes and microbial interactions at mid-ocean ridges
GL Früh-Green, DS Kelley, MD Lilley… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2022 - nature.com
Hydrothermal circulation and alteration at mid-ocean ridges and ridge flanks have a key role
in regulating seawater chemistry and global chemical fluxes, and support diverse …
in regulating seawater chemistry and global chemical fluxes, and support diverse …
Tectonic significance of serpentinites
At plate boundaries, where deformation is localized along centimetre-to kilometre-scale
shear zones, the influence of serpentinite on tectonic processes is linked to its unique …
shear zones, the influence of serpentinite on tectonic processes is linked to its unique …
Temperature trends for reaction rates, hydrogen generation, and partitioning of iron during experimental serpentinization of olivine
A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to examine how partitioning of Fe among
solid reaction products and rates of H 2 generation vary as a function of temperature during …
solid reaction products and rates of H 2 generation vary as a function of temperature during …
Magnetite in seafloor serpentinite—Some like it hot
Serpentinization of mantle peridotite generates molecular hydrogen that can be exploited by
microorganisms to gain metabolic energy; however, the mechanisms that control hydrogen …
microorganisms to gain metabolic energy; however, the mechanisms that control hydrogen …
Serpentinization and the Formation of H2 and CH4 on Celestial Bodies (Planets, Moons, Comets)
Serpentinization involves the hydrolysis and transformation of primary ferromagnesian
minerals such as olivine ((Mg, Fe) 2SiO4) and pyroxenes ((Mg, Fe) SiO3) to produce H2-rich …
minerals such as olivine ((Mg, Fe) 2SiO4) and pyroxenes ((Mg, Fe) SiO3) to produce H2-rich …
Mantle wedge oxidation from deserpentinization modulated by sediment-derived fluids
High-pressure dehydration of serpentinite during subduction generates fluids that flux and
melt the overlying mantle wedge, forming primary arc basalts. These basalts are …
melt the overlying mantle wedge, forming primary arc basalts. These basalts are …
H2 and CH4 outgassing rates in the Samail ophiolite, Oman: implications for low-temperature, continental serpentinization rates
Abstract Reduced (H 2-and CH 4-rich) and hyperalkaline fluids are products of subsurface
reactions accompanying serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. H 2 and CH 4 produced during …
reactions accompanying serpentinization of ultramafic rocks. H 2 and CH 4 produced during …