Extreme weather events threaten biodiversity and functions of river ecosystems: evidence from a meta‐analysis
Both gradual and extreme weather changes trigger complex ecological responses in river
ecosystems. It is still unclear to what extent trend or event effects alter biodiversity and …
ecosystems. It is still unclear to what extent trend or event effects alter biodiversity and …
[HTML][HTML] Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: Current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status assessments
Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are common across Europe and dominate
some Mediterranean river networks. In all climate zones, IRES support high biodiversity and …
some Mediterranean river networks. In all climate zones, IRES support high biodiversity and …
[HTML][HTML] Protecting and restoring Europe's waters: An analysis of the future development needs of the Water Framework Directive
Abstract The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a pioneering piece of legislation that aims
to protect and enhance aquatic ecosystems and promote sustainable water use across …
to protect and enhance aquatic ecosystems and promote sustainable water use across …
Effects of agricultural land use on fluvial carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in a large European river, the Meuse (Belgium)
We report a data-set of CO 2, CH 4, and N 2 O concentrations in the surface waters of the
Meuse river network in Belgium, obtained during four surveys covering 50 stations (summer …
Meuse river network in Belgium, obtained during four surveys covering 50 stations (summer …
Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a critical mini-review
In many dry parts of the world, salinization of water resources threatens freshwater
biodiversity and the livelihood of people. However, ecological impact studies remain scarce …
biodiversity and the livelihood of people. However, ecological impact studies remain scarce …
[HTML][HTML] Organic matter decomposition and ecosystem metabolism as tools to assess the functional integrity of streams and rivers–a systematic review
Streams and rivers provide important services to humans, and therefore, their ecological
integrity should be a societal goal. Although ecological integrity encompasses structural and …
integrity should be a societal goal. Although ecological integrity encompasses structural and …
Linking reservoir ecosystems research to the sustainable development goals
Reservoirs account for about 10% of the freshwater stored in lakes worldwide. These
reservoirs are home to 'reservoir ecosystems', that is, the aquatic and non-aquatic interactive …
reservoirs are home to 'reservoir ecosystems', that is, the aquatic and non-aquatic interactive …
Balancing macronutrient stoichiometry to alleviate eutrophication
Reactive nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs to surface waters modify aquatic
environments, affect public health and recreation. Source controls dominate eutrophication …
environments, affect public health and recreation. Source controls dominate eutrophication …
Benthic diatoms in river biomonitoring—present and future perspectives within the water framework directive
The European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC (WFD) has been implemented over
the past 20 years, using physicochemical, biological and hydromorphological elements to …
the past 20 years, using physicochemical, biological and hydromorphological elements to …
A global assessment of the effects of eucalyptus plantations on stream ecosystem functioning
Forest change is a major environmental problem worldwide. Forest streams, with their large
aquatic–terrestrial interface and strong dependence on terrestrially derived organic matter …
aquatic–terrestrial interface and strong dependence on terrestrially derived organic matter …